Chapter One: Bones? Ah, Bones!

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Chapter One: Bones? Ah, Bones!

"I can't believe you leave tomorrow."
"Neither." The two friends sat across from each other, each nursing a drink as they stared into space.

Hannah Price fiddled with her delicate cross necklace that hung around her neck, staring at her best friend with kind grey/blue eyes. James Aubrey looked at his drink, as though contemplating it's existence.

"You aren't going to survive in Texas. It's too hot."
"But at least everything is bigger. Like food. Does that mean the food will be bigger?" Aubrey perked up, face lighting up aren't little bit. Hannah chuckled as the waitress brought their food to the table, chips, buffalo wings, wedges, pie... the list went on. Hannah thanked the waitress before turning her attention to her dark haired friend.

"You eat way to too much." Aubrey scoffed.

"I've seen you eat. You eat more than  me. And you have a much better metabolism than me." Aubrey went for a slice of pizza and inhaled it. If Hannah had blinked, she would've thought he had eaten it in a single bite. "Aren't you hungry?" Hannah shrugged.

"I was. But I guess I'm going to miss my best friend more than anything." Aubrey wiped his mouth with his napkin.

"I'm gonna miss you to, Banana." Hannah scowled and threw a chip at him. He caught it in his mouth and gave her a thumbs up. "Buffeye!" Hannah started to laugh.

"I'll save you a seat at church every Sunday."
"And I'll drink a banana smoothie every Monday."
"And call me when you do?"
"Unless Texas suddenly drops off the face of the planet, I promise." They both held out their pinkies and pinkie promised, something they had done since they were kids.

"So tell me. Who's your partner?" Aubrey asked, watching as Hannah started to pick at the food, an amused smile on his face as he watched her loose to her appetite.

"Some guy. Seeley Booth? I dunno who he is." Aubreys mouth dropped.

"Booth? Wow."
"What's so wow?" Hannah wiped her hands so that she could chuck her long blonde hair into a pony tail.

"He's a legend in the FBI field. He works with Doctor Temperance Brennan at the Jeffersonian. This is amazing. He came and spoke to us." Hannah cocked her head.

"Ohhh. I've heard of him. When did he come talk to us?"
"I think you had your psych eval." Hannah snorted. Most Quantico graduates needed to have at least two psychological evaluations prior to being put into the field.
Hannah had to have three.

"My second or the third?"
"Third. Why did you need a third, by the way? You never told us." By us, Aubrey was referring to the group of friends they had made. It consisted of Hannah, Aubrey, Laya Cardinal, Timothy Manson and Aurelia Diamond. Laya, Timothy and Aurelia had already been divvied out to different parts of the United States, leaving only Aubrey and Hannah. Hannah shrugged.

"The doc never said why. Maybe I'm just a woman of mystery," She waved a two pieces of pizza in front of her face before turning them into a sandwich. "OR maybe they just couldn't figure out what kind of genius I was." She bit into her food and moaned. The Mailbox did the pizza on the planet.

"Oh yes. Genius. Definitely." Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Some people just can't be taught, my friend." She stated. Aubrey chuckled.


Two days later

Hannah was rushing around the house half an hour before she was supposed to be at the Jeffersonian, trying to find her heels.

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