Chapter Eleven: Augustus Miles Price

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Chapter Eleven: Augustus Miles Price

"Brother? He's your brother?" Booth repeated,  looking between the two. Brennan was stood by Hannah and was nodding as Booth said that, noting the varying similarities between the siblings.
Both had blue/grey eyes and a hardness to them that only Sweets could really deduct as he made his own conclusions from the booth. Their facial features were similar as well,  Hannah's only a little more delicate than her brothers.

Augustus Price stared at Hannah from his seat. He hadn't changed much since the last time she had seen him, which had been 10 years ago. He was a little older now, a little more grey and a little more wrinkled but that was it. He still had a hard look to him that had come from a childhood that shouldn't have happened to them. He was only 30 and he looked like he was nearing 40.

To Gus though, Hannah had changed a lot. She wasn't the 15 year old he had left with their grandparents.
Her hair was cut to her shoulders but was still the same curly blonde he had always been able to spot in a crowd. And she was tall.
What hadn't changed was that she had the same, angry glare that he had seen 10 years ago and the small rose tattoo that stood out on her wrist, something that made Gus chew his lip as he watched his little sister simmer in her anger.

"I need to talk to my brother."
"No." Booth said firmly, an edge creeping into his voice. Brennan recognised it as one that suggested that he knew leaving Gus with her may end in more than just an interrogation.

"You and Sweets are going to go and talk and when we," He motioned to him, Gus and Brennan. "Are done here and done with this case, we are talking." He looked Hannah in the eyes, resisting the urge to look away. He had never seen her so tense or so angry in the time he had known her.

With a sharp nod and an angry glare at Gus, she wrenched the door open and left. Booth looked at the glass window and nodded, listening to Sweets talk in his ear.

"So. Your Hannah's brother." Brennan commented as she waited for Booth. Gus nodded and put his head in his hands.

"I called her so many times and she never answered." He muttered, adding a ton of muffled curses to himself. Brennan raised an eyebrow at that. That was another difference between the two. Hannah didn't swear as freely.

"Right. Mr Price, let's get this done with." Booth sat down heavily, a new icy edge to his voice. Gus looked up at him and nodded, looking more glum than he had when finding Reid was dead.


Two hours later, Sweets and Hannah were sat in a heavy silence. The pure weight of Hannah's load of verbal diarrhoea had Sweets contemplating whether he was in the right line of work.

Hannah had never emptied so much off her chest to anyone. Ever. She didn't feel empty either. In fact, she felt like the elephant on her chest had given birth and now she was sitting with the fact that the brother who had abandoned her was sitting just a few floors down from where she was now.

"It explains a lot about you now." Sweets said after a while, interrupting Hannah's thoughts. She looked at Sweets with a tired gaze.

"What does?"
"As a child, you found yourself protecting those who couldn't protect themselves, such as your sister and brother," Hannah flinched noticeably at the mention of her siblings, " and as an adult, you find that you need to do so as well. When you were arrested - yes, I know about that, don't seem so shocked - it was protect what almost seemed like a memory to you." Hannah's gaze turned hard.

"I didn't come here to be told about how all.. THAT stuff has helped me to be the person I am now, I'm here because Booth told me I had to talk to you. And now I think, I might go home." She stood up and Sweets watched her.

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