Chapter Four: Is That Your Gun or Are You Really Happy To See Me?

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Chapter Four: Is That Your Gun or Are You Really Happy To See Me?

"You have got to stop pointing a gun at my face." Hannah grunted as she lay on the mat, teeth gritted together as she tried to tighten her grasp on her partners wrists.

"It's not loaded. I'm not going to actually shoot you." He commented. Hannah swung her legs up so that they were wrapped around Booths waist and put all her weight into pulling him down. He fell to the side with a thud and Hannah managed to get his arms above his head, him instead laying on a  ground and her pressed against him, faces closer than Hannah would've dared. She smirked.

"Now you can't shoot me."
"Ah, but I can cause you to be distracted." Hannah rolled her eyes and let him go and sat up so that she was just straddling his waist.

Out of context, anyone would've felt it too awkward a time to interrupt. Brennan however, was unaware to the 'ins and outs of contexts' and walked right into the gym and was clapping, a smile on her face.

"That was quite impressive, especially for someone of your size." She complimented. Hannah grinned at her as she shifted her weight.

"It helped to have had an older brother." Hannah blanched slightly and looked down at Booth. "Please tell me that is another gun..." Booth had gone bright red and took no time dislodging Hannah. She got up from the floor and moved to stand by Brennan who was watching with mild interest.

"I must say, Agent Price, you have a greater affect on Booth than anyone I have ever met." Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Not what I want to hear right now, Doc. Which leads me to ask, why are you here?"
"I'm here to get Booth, actually. We have to have sessions with Sweets." They both looked at Booth, who was still laying on the ground, only this time on his stomach and was still looking embarrassed.

"I'll leave you to that then. I'm gonna shower and forget this gym session never happened." She said the last bit a little louder, so that Booth could hear. She heard him mutter something inappropriate and headed for the shower.

"You could just ask her out, you know? Or we could talk to Sweets about this."
"We talk to Sweets about our relationship, Bones. Not mine and Hannah's."
"But Hannah is your partner and your my partner so she's technically also my partner." Booth got off the floor and wrapped an arm around Brennan. She scrunched her nose at the sweaty gesture and tried to push his arm off but to no avail.

"That's not how it works."
'But I like Hannah. Shouldn't we discuss your evident attraction to her so that we can clear the air?" There was a hint of teasing in her voice. Booth scowled.

"No attraction, Bones. She's my partner. That's. It." Brennan shrugge.

"I may not believe everything Sweets does or says but he may have some useful insight into this-"
"Come on, Booth!


Hannah tucked her wet hair into a loose plait as she walked up to her office area when her phone notified her with a text.

Angela Montenegro
Hey Sweetie, we could really use you down at the Jeffersonian.

Hannah sighed.

How soon do you need me?

Angela Montenegro

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