Chapter Seventeen: Girls Night

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Warning: This chapter has mention of suicide and depression. This can be distressing for some and triggers for others. If you find yourself distressed by this chapter, please let me know.

Also, if anyone ever needs someone to talk to because something is going on, you can always flick me a PM and I'll be there. I've worked in Mental Health and it's no joke. Please, if you feel unsafe, talk to someone.

Love you guys 3000 ♡


No amount of make up stopped Angela from staring at her friend when she walked into the Jeffersonian that morning. Under the thick concealer and foundation she had put on, Hannah's eyes were puffy and bloodshot. She had known this, of course, when she had left home this morning but hoped that people would peg it off to a late night.

Which was true. If you minus the crying and cuddling of a soft toy giraffe she had found in her wardrobe, neatly tucked behind her winter shoe bag.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" Anglea asked when Hannah sat down on the opposing chair. Taking another sip of her coffee, Hannah nodded.

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be?" She avoided Angela's gaze as she picked up the thick file of possible last known addresses and places of employment Mackey had been at. Angela narrowed her gaze and came to moved seats so that she could see Hannah more clearly. The purple rings under her eyes were there and no makeup could hide how dark they are.

"Because you look like crap. Did you sleep last night?"
"Yeah." For two hours. Then she woke up again and began the cycle of grief from what felt like the beginning. Angela put a hand on Hannah's shoulder and felt her tense a little.

"What happened, Hannah?" She asked softly. "You don't have to worry about Booth or Brennan walking in, they're away- Oh Hannah." Hannah began to shake as another bout of unwanted sobs began to rack her body. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Angela allowed her to cry, patting her head gently as Hannah, inbetween sobs, told Angela what had happened the previous night.

"You have got to be kidding me. B- He who shall not be named actually did that? All because of the no sex thing?" Hannah pulled away from the hug to dab at her eyes and nodded. Angela sighed. "Men suck." That got a hiccupped giggle from Hannah. Her tear stained face lit up slightly but she nodded.

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come in and cry. I actually just came for this." Hannah said after a little bit of calming. Angela rolled her eyes.

"You should go home."
"I can't. I have too much work to do now that.... Now that it's just me." Angela could sense the double meaning. She nodded and stood up, pulling Hannah up as well.

"Well tonight, we are having a girls night. You, me, face masks, all the junk food we can manage and our comfiest pair of pajama pants and tops." Cam somehow managed to enter at that moment and Angela smiled. "And Cam. All three of us. Just don't say anything to Daisy."
"What am I doing?" Cam inquired and raised an eyebrow.

"Girls night apparently."
"Ah.... I'm in. It's Friday. Michelle is at a friend's tonight. Do you need a tissue?" Cam asked Hannah who was tearing up slightly again, only this time at the love her friends were giving her. She shook her head.

"I need to go and put fresh make up on. I need to visit Mackeys parents and see if they know anything." Hannah hugged then goodbye and made for the bathroom, digging in her bag for her emergency makeup. Cam turned to Angela and frowned.

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