ch. 3

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Hey guys before I start the story I just wanna say I'm sorry for not posting on schedule, I Took sick badly this week. As I post today I'm at home under the covers cuz my mom said she came home and find me in bed with a fever ( Tbh I didn't know I was sick with a fucking fever!) And now I have to do piles of fucking school work! 😧 anyway hope u enjoy and if any misspellings pls excuse me!


At the crime scene at the most famous store of Möbous city, cops was behind they police cars as they had they guns pointed at the entrance of  jewelry store waiting for an Green hedgehog.

"All right!,We have you surrounded! You have about 20 seconds to come on out with your hands above your head,and you have the right to remain silent!" Yell the chief  qho was an brown dog with one white spot on his left eye.

As the night gets colder and colder, the green hedgehog with a black leather jacket with flames on it smile as he keep on placing sonic rings and Diamonds in the bag not giving a shit what the mutt said outside. All the green hedgehog care about was seeing the blue hedgehog come so he can he see his boyfriend.


Scourge the hedgehog knows about sonics forms and truns out to date one of them, But how did that happen? Well let's just save that for another chapter.

"Damnit!what taking him so long to get here!" The green hedgehog said understand his breath as he tie up the bag and got up and look at the entrance of the store he broke into.

Scourge smile as he look at the front of the store being a light show of bule and red dance all over the windows.
The green hedgehog didn't want to make a big scene, but you know Möbous is kinda like a famous place, so there gonna be a big ass scene even if it little. But hey! It's home!

What can you say about it?

Outside of the store an blue hedgehog just arrived at the place making the cops sigh happiness as the put they guns down and truns to the hero who was walking up to em.

"Thank goodness you are here sonic, we was about to blow this place up!" Said a light green cat as an purple dog was on the ground waving at the hedgehog as he had an button in his hand, ready to press! Sonic close his eyes not wanting anyone to do anything. All the blue hedgehog wanted to do was just chill and think, but it seam like things can't go his way this night.

Sonic opened his eyes as he place a fake smile on his face as he started to walk forward to the store.

"Officers please! I'll take it from here, I'll have it all cover if you please?" Sonic asked nicely as the chief nods as he place his fist in the air letting the others cops to stand down. The cops lower the guns and stand down as sonic made is way into the jewelry store look for green counterpart/ duplicate look-alike hedgehog.

Soon when sonic was out of site with the cops out side he  mood change to happy and cocky to piss and aggravated. All the hedgehog wanted to do was just...chill but scourge just had to go all out to see fleetway....again...what a night!

"Scourge! Come on out man! I don't have time for this shit, this is last time I'ma help your ass out of this situation!" Sonic yell as he walk around to store that look mess up. There was glass all over the floor and jewelry all over the place. The place just look like a Stampede just hot and run with this place.

Sonic just look at the and gave sorrow at it, he felt bad for the people who gonna and clean all this stuff up for over a little thing, and that was fleetway trying to get his attention.

"SONIC! you came, took you long enough!" Scourge said as walk up to sonic from the shadows in the room. Sonic look at scourge as he roll his eyes and walk up to him with a piss off face.

What a night it will be ^^".

"Cut the shit scourge! It's been  fucking two weeks you pulling this shit from your ass man. Can I get a break from you calling fleetway like this?" Sonic said as he place his hands on his hips and look at the green hedgehog who had a smirk on his face as he giggles.

"I'll let you be blue, but I have news for who you know I'm looking for." Scourge said as he place his hand on his hip making sonic groan as his feel his head hurting.

Sonic close his eyes know that fleetway was coming throw his mind feeling his green eyes truning as his eyes started to change red. Sonic teeth on the edge was getting sharp as he slowly breath out as an smirk came across his face.

The blue hedgehog open his eyes showing his swirling red eyes as the green hedgehog wag his tail knowing who it is.

"Sup emerald!, what the news bae?" Fleetway said as he use sonic body and walk over to scourge and pull him into an hug and place sweet kiss on his lover.

Scourge was the first to pull away from kiss and warm himself into the hug as the blue hedgehog purr a big making him purr awell. Scourge pull from the hug leaving an confused red eye blue hedgehog looking at him as his ear twich.

The green hedgehog dig in his quills as he smile finding a small bot with a blue ribbon on it as it tie the box so it wouldn't open. "Well by the looks of it love, I can't say what up due to the cops outside, but the box will explain everything." Scourge said as he place a kiss on the hedgehog cheek making fleetway have hart's in his eyes.

"See you around?" Fleetway ask as the green hedgehog smile as he started to pull out an purple chaos Emerald and nods.

"Anytime any place babe." The green hedgehog said as he hold up the Emerald  and yell "CHAOS Control!" As he zap out the place with the stolen jewelry.

The red eyes hedgehog look at the box with curiosity, then place it in a nice spot in sonic quills as he slowly let sonic get his body back.

Sonic eyes was back to normal Emerald green as he look around knowing that scourge have left the scene with the jewelry.

'GodDamn it Fleetway!!' Sonic yell in his mind as fleetway came to sonic side and sweatdrop as he rub the back of its head.

Now sonic have to make an excuse on how the scourge left again, this was really a long night night for sonic.

But one thing that was in mind of fleetway was the box his boyfriend gave him...

What could it be?


Note I'm kinda getting use to scourge x fleetway, I think it a cute couple! And that all if any misspellings pls excuse me

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