Chapter 6

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It's Saturday morning and the whole cross country team is enroute to our first meet a few hundred miles away

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It's Saturday morning and the whole cross country team is enroute to our first meet a few hundred miles away. I feel like I haven't slept well in days, and the cold air coming in from the bus window is making it hard to get some sleep.  My shaky hands grip the bus window, pulling it up with all the strength I have, but it won't budge. I take off my wool gloves and try again, but still nothing. I stand up from my seat, gripping the window tight and pull, but once again, it doesn't move.

"Dammit." I swear, sitting back down against the uncomfortably cold seat with a shiver.

"Need some help?" I hear and turn my head to the row of seats across from mine. Ethan smiles at me from his seat next to Danny. I look past him and find his window sealed tight and laugh.

"Well Danny is lucky to have you," I smile, "If only I had a strong boy at my disposal to solve all window closing problems."

"Watch it El," Danny playfully glares at me.

"Yeah Eleanor, I'm sure Danny is strong enough to have closed it himself," Ethan defends, placing a hand on Danny's knee. I spy a faint blush rise in Danny's cheek, and smile thinking back on the hushed conversation we had before getting on the bus. It seems like things really are going quite well with the two of them.

"In that case, either one of you are more than welcome to close mine for me."

Before either boy could react, a tall figure stands up from his seat up front and makes his way down the aisle. Isaac?

My eyes follow him as he rushes toward my seat. In an instant, Isaac is leaning across my body. I stop breathing. His hands grasp the window till his knuckles turn white. The glass slams up so hard I'm shocked it doesn't shatter. His eyes turn to meet mine in a flash of gold.

But his eyes are blue.

Isaac's eyes rip away from mine and land on Ethan. A cold rushes over me, stronger now than when my window was leaking icy air. I can feel the tension in the air as Ethan stands up in his seat. I look over at Danny and see he is where an expression similar to mine, what the hell?

I look around, attempting to break free of the scene happening before me. Much to my surprise, no one seems to have noticed the standoff, except Scott McCall. I watch as Scott makes his way down the aisle, palm firmly against his side. Before he can get there though, Isaac looks up at him and the tension in his shoulders slowly lessons. With one final glare at Ethan, he sits down next to me and smiles.

"Cold?" He asks, eyebrow raised at my bundled up frame.

"Isaac..." I whisper, looking into his piercing eyes. Still blue.

"Are you okay? It's not that cold in here, are you sick?" He inquires, ignoring my questioning eyes.

"Isaac." I snap, "What the hell was that?"

Once Upon a Werewolf |Isaac Lahey|Where stories live. Discover now