Beginning the Torment

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(Keith's POV)

Keith was training, as usual, when his arm began to feel the familiar sensations of a ballpoint pen. The blue ink appeared and formed squiggles.

"Ugh, what is wrong with you?!" he yelled to his soulmate, who couldn't hear him. "End training sequence!"

He scrambled through the halls to find a pen. He had to tell his lover to stop.

"Allura! I need a pen!" Keith called out.

The princess snapped to action, momentarily stopping admiring the doodles of Shiro, who was sitting across the room smugly. She tossed him her weapon and he quickly scribbled words.

What's your name? And you gotta stop squiggling on your arm.

He waited for a response, but when one came, it was a smiley face with a stuck out tongue.

Immature much?

Keith scoffed, not sure how to begin searching for his forever friend. More lines appeared.

Last name? Please

Keith held his breath as a bold nope appeared on his elbow. How did the drawer even reach his elbow?


Numbers actually were scrawled across his forehead. Progress. Rather showy, but he copied it into his phone. It showed him it already belonged to Lance. Keith blew air.

That's not it.

It is. Honestly.

"Keith! I got a write! There's something on my arm!" Hunk yelled.

"I'm coming!" he groaned.

"It says hi," Hunk stated.

"Write back. I have to keep their attention right now, so good luck," he told his buddy.

Where is Lance? Did he get anything on his skin?


"Over here!" he said almost giddy.

"Does Lance talk to you about his markings?"

Shiro laughed then said, "Yeah actually. He sounds like a total goof though. I'd hate having him draw all over me."

Keith didn't say anything and walked out. Lance was annoying enough to be the mystery artist. He looked at his arms again, only to notice the ink had been washed out.

"Hey, mullet," came a familiar voice.

"Lance," Keith offered. "Hey, can I ask you a quick question?"

"Sure thing."

"Do you get writings on your skin? Ever?"

"Sure, all the time. My soulmate connects with me through the thing. You know, the pen texting? I don't know what to call it."

"Pen texting? Not gonna work. How about letters?"

"Sure yeah. I get letters all the time. I think she really likes me. She can't figure out who I am though," he said as he laughed loudly.

"Huh. Ok," Keith pondered. "Bye."

He quickly got his pen out and tried writing on the back of his neck, where he was sure his penning wouldn't be seen but if it was Lance it would be visible.

Gotcha, he wrote all wonky.

To his amusement and surprise, Lance's flawless skin was blemished with his own handwriting. Gotcha was written clearly on the back of his undoubtedly soft neck. Keith grinned, but he still wasn't sure how to confront Lance. Did Lance already know he received the scrawlings? Surely not.


The blue paladin quickly turned around.

"What? Can I not walk"-

"Can I see your wrist real quick?"

After failing at attempting to not stumble, Lance mumbled, "Sure, I guess. As long as you're not mocking me or trying to murder me we're cool."

Keith gently grabbed Lance's wrists and wrote a love letter. The taller of the two tried to not look but failed miserably.

It's me. You and I are connected. I get it if you don't want to be my soulmate, but we are. You can scribble all you want now, doofus.

Keith beamed and looked at his own wrist, showing Lance the connection.


Because Keith wrote facing towards him, Lance had to read the heartfelt note upside down.

"Aw, Keith. Wait," he stopped suddenly when he looked at the matching print on Keith's skin. "No, we're neck in neck, not hand in hand. Ugh, Keith. Stupid mullet. Stupid pretty eyes. Stupid gentle hugs and hand pulling."

"I love you too?" Keith laughed.

"Te amo."

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