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"Please stand for the second groom," Shiro told the small audience consisting of the paladins, Slav, Allura, Coran, and a few members of the Blade of Mamora.

Lance and Keith both wore customary suits, except Lance had a red tie and Keith wore a blue tie- representing their strong tie together.

Pidge held out her hand to Lance for a high-five, and Allura and Coran confusedly followed her example. Lance smiled through his tears and looked at Keith with adoration. Lance put his hand out to high-five all his friends, and Keith laughed at the informality. Lance finally made it to the steps and carefully climbed up them, so as not to embarrass himself by tripping on his wedding day.

"Careful," Keith told him.

Lance looked up to smile at his once rival, but his foot caught the very last step and he tumbled forward, right into the red paladin's strong arms.

"I will always catch you," Keith whispered.

"Thanks," Lance mouthed.

Pidge clapped and hollered, and Lance was sure there'd be pictures of the moment, forever cemented in ink.

"So, seeming I don't actually know what I'm doing, I'll ask you two the most simple of questions." Shiro turned to Kieth. "Kieth, do you take Lance to be your lawfully wedded husband, to hold and cherish forever?"

Keith looked at Lance as if there was possibly a moment he could say 'no' and then reached out to hold his hands.

"I do," he said as he nodded encouragingly to Lance.

"Lance, do you"-

"I do!" Lance shouted.

He went to jump on Keith and kiss him, but Shiro pushed him back into his place.

"Let me finish, sharpshooter. Lance, do you take Keith to be your lawfully wedded husband, to hold and to cherish forever?"

"I do," Lance repeated, more solemnly.

"You may kiss the groom!" Shiro shouted.

Lance pounced on Kieth in an embrace and kissed him, even tasting some of the chocolate cereal Kieth had that morning.

The boys broke apart finally, and Keith said, "I love you. I don't know if I mentioned that before, but I do. I love you, Lance."

Lance felt tears fall down his cheeks and hugged his husband again.

"I love you too, Kieth," Lance sighed happily.

"What now?" Keith asked as he looked around at their audience.

"Now, we can do whatever we want!" Lance cried out.

"Whatever?" Keith asked with a lustful look growing in his eyes.

"In our price range, I guess."

"I have an idea... and it's free." Kieth suggested.


"Mmm~" Lance groaned. "This is the best," he sighed.

Kieth wiped the white mess off his face.

"We should do this more often," Kieth said, looking into Lance's pretty blue eyes.

Shiro walked into the kitchen.

"What the quiznack, you two?" He inspected their can of whipped cream and Lance's messy face. "Excuse me. I'll leave you two to it. But don't put that bottle back in the fridge." He grimaced and added, "Disgusting."

Lance started giggling as soon as Shiro walked out.

"Want some more?"

"Ready for round two!" Kieth shouted.

Pidge walked into the kitchen.

"What the fuck," she sighed under her breath. "It's only been, like, five and a half minutes and you guys are already at it? You couldn't wait until your honeymoon perhaps?"

"Whipped cream is irresistible," Lance insisted.

Pidge finally saw the can Kieth was holding and hoisted herself to sit on the counter.

"Gimme some," she murmured.

Keith put some into her mouth, and it dribbling out and left the three paladins laughing on the ground (and counter). Keith look over at Lance, who was smiling ear-to-ear and wished he could stay in the peaceful moment forever.

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