Chapter Six

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   We got off the "Exit Stairs" ... X ran very fast imagining he could catch up that insane person.. But he failed.

   Next Day, It was really the most stressful part of my life:
I woke up, I had a little conversation with myself : I thought about telling people who I am and what happened. If we are going to get rumbled, why not get rumbled in style? That might have saved me from the more embarrassing reality.. And the most important is about telling my girlfriend, about it All.
I asked to the homophobic to delete the video or the pictures (by a text message) But he didn't reply, he just left me on "seen".
At the breakfast, i thought that i could reveal to my parents that I'm Gay. But it didn't work at first.
Finishing up, Then i closed my eyes and quickly said: "I'M GAY AND I'M IN LOVE WITH x". I left them shocked, and i ran to my room and locking the door..
Few seconds, the door knocked, it's my mom :
  - Open the door, please. We should talk and I understand what are feeling right now, it's not a problem..
I opened the door then she continued:
"The homosexuality often involves the person's identity.. And if you have straight parents, often feel responsible for their children choice.."
  (listen to the song that i've pinned⬆️)
[8a.m] - > [5p.m]
Locked myself in the room, thinking about what and how i would talk about all to my girlfriend...
Training time! Feeling so stressed and scared..
That one homophobic messed my whole life. Everybody looks at me strangely while I am walking through the corridors. I hurried to the W.C, i found my swimmates ; watching the video were I was filmed in :
  - Where did you get this?
  - Don't you use the social media? Boy! Everybody know about you..
I got shocked!.. My swimmates swear that they will f*** up his life as he fu***d mine.
Backed to home, I was absolutely broken inside, then I called my girlfriend (my ex-girlfriend) :
  - I'm breaking up with you.. I feel so bad, I can't keep hiding it from you.. I can't describe what I'm feeling right now it's too difficult, duh okay ; v, I'm gay.. I have a friend, a male friend who I have a huge crush on since 1year and half, not even a crush, but I think I love him. My mom and dad knew I'm, since the morning and at the swimming practice they found out through a video.. someone recorded us making out video of me and x, while we were kissing.. So, I hope you'll excuse me, and i really need help this time, you know me better than everyone else. I need some advice to get out of this struggles. i can't help the way i feel. Take your time! You don't have to answer me right now, .. But please don't leave me. I want you to be my best friend.
(i knew that she's shocked... But she responded me! She didn't hung up on me)

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