Chapter Seven

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"I need sometime.. I'll call you tomorrow. Good night" . She just said that! at least she didn't hung up on me, it's not that bad right?

At [02:37am] : I received a text message from her! And that mean that she kept thinking about this all night (from 8p.m to 2a.m) but god i feel so sad about her.. anyway, she wrote me this :
«im going start my letter with all what i've thought earlier ;<Do you really think that you turning out to not be attracted to girls makes this any easier for me? Do you honestly believe that you coming out has magically healed me and righted your wrong? And the whole time you weren't even attracted to me? When you cheated on me, you stole every ounce of hope I ever had in love and guys. And the worst part is, your fag ass couldn't even spare my self esteem by cheating with a boy; you chose a girl. Or maybe you chose both. I wasted almost two years of my life on you. Why would you do this to me? What if someone did this to your sister?I feel like I've lost myself, when you would tell me you loved me, I trusted you with every bone in my body, and now I struggle to even believe a guy when he tells me the simplest truth..! Yas, i was going to make you understood all of this, but then i thought that ; it's not a problem, if it is but it does ni matter, I am strong, or at least I will try my best each day to be. And although a part of me hates you, the majority of me still feels love for you and only wants you to be happy. After all, you were my first "true love".. Put that on your head ; You have nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, there are people out there who are homophobic, but they're getting fewer. What's good is that your parents are awake of your sexuality and hopefully they'll support you. I love you a lot.»
Crying while reading this because i felt that I am such a big FAG ASS as she said but it could be the best girlfriend in the world, all i can about her is : she didn't deserved what i've do to her and there will be always a special place for here in my heart..

Tomorrow's morning I woke up happy because it's gonna be my first day ever without lies.. As usually this feeling did not continue since yesterday my parents can't stop fighting, and i can smelt the tea ; it's all about my sexuality revealed. My dad didn't accept this.. But even tho I git prepared and I went to pass the day with x! (i was so nervous and excited) ...
I get on home.. It was so extra that day. But also my dad changed my mood (negative vibes level god) :
as soon as I opened the door my dad surprised me with :" IN TWO DAYS YOU'LL BE AT CANADA! YOU'RE GOING TO PASS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE THERE WITH YOUR AUNT. NO X, NO V! I think two days will be good to say goodbye to your friends, nah?"...

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