Chapter Eleven (Final)

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[1week after, nothing changed]
we went on that trip and had a fantastic time. No one thought we were anything but the best of friends, and we didn't made any pornos in the desert xD. we did our best then, and in the days afterward, to keep our emotions in check: there were no more passionate kisses, but every time I left for home, I'd give him that little peck on the lips, to remind him of how I really felt inside : I don't know how x kept his feelings under control! He is the most self-disciplined person in the world. But I couldn't do it as easily. Now every time I caught sight of him, my heart swelled and my eyes widened, and the struggle ate away at me. These feelings were the one and only thing that x and I hadn't really talked about.. We talked constantly about everything and anything, there was never any silence between us. But once again I felt that words might fail me, that just talking about these feelings would somehow make me lose control of them.. (it was the only struggle that makes my life hard). It took x's gentle, coaxing voice and the passage of still more time to get me to open up a little more, to think about what exactly I was feeling, and why. For such a time, I didn't want to go there...I didn't know if I could get back safely if I did. Cause facing x everywhere for a week it wasn't that easy..

[6th of October. 7:14PM]
As we shared the same room and I hadn't the courage to say him that in person, I took the opportunity when he was at the kitchen cooking. So, i wrote him: "what are we? Friends? Best Friends? Couple? Nothing ?.. You are the sweetest boy I have ever met and changed my life to an unimaginable level. I actually can't imagine my life ever without you, But at the recent days, you're begin cold with me since the dinner with my parents. So, I need an explanation."

He just marked a seen then he got back washing dishes, I knew that because I was hearing the sound of the water coming from the kitchen. I couldn't keep myself from thinking of how hot he was (in his sweaty white t-shirt) I was lost in my fantasies about x and the kid act that Inve made... I've heard silence, no more sounds of water just silence then I heard footsteps, his footsteps, followed by knocks on my bedroom door. He got into my room with a bad boy's look : He was looking down at my lower body for a reason I ignored, but now I know... I had a boner, my cheeks got all red and I was too horny to control it! He came in and got close to me, sat in my bed and oh my God! I could feel his frozen hands slowly caressing my penis, ugh it makes me want more.. Second, we were laying on the bed like on opposite ends, and our legs were like stretched out and intertwined. I could lighty feel his foot grazing my crotch and I started to get harder and harder I felt like he was a part of me and I was a part of him. Then he noticed how hard I was so he just kept going . I could see him smiling bigger and bigger as he kept going then he just stopped. We took a little break, we started kissing and kissing with stucking his cock into my ass! we looked at each other and instantly knew we wanted more..So, he started going down which the kisses starts from my lips to my chest to my stomach then he gently started sucking my dick, he gave me head like he knew exactly what he was doing and It felt amazing and then right when i was about to cum, I tried to pull him out so I wouldn't cum in his mouth! but he wouldnt let me it felt like nothing could separate us! he said he wanted it so I just relaxed and let the feeling take over and just basted soo hard into his mouth.. Once we were done cuddled a bit, he captured my lips with his and I opened my mouth to let his tongue in, and finally he took some tissu and cleaned up the cum that we let it out..

We took a shower, Then with his sexy voice he said :" So! What are we?" He laughed, then he added "I think the message has been well received? If it's not, I can refuck it.".


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