right here △ mitchel

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"baby take a look around, i'm the only one who hasn't walked out."


I threw my phone across my bed in a huff. My boyfriend, Mitchel, was not being very cooperative right now. Whatever. I'm used to it. We get in fights like this all the time. I know you might be thinking it's unhealthy, but couples have disagreements pretty frequently. It's normal.

My phone started buzzing from across my bed. Mitchel's name and contact photo flashed on the screen. Ugh. I didn't want to answer it, but I knew if I didn't then he'd be even more mad at me. I sighed and climbed across the bed to get the phone.

"Hello?" I said in an irritated tone.

"What the fuck, y/n? Are you gonna reply to my messages or are you just gonna be immature about all this?"

"What do you mean, 'all this'? I don't even know what I did. You're literally pissed at me for no reason." I rolled my eyes.

"For no reason? Y/n, you've been ignoring me all week. Don't act like you haven't. You've been leaving me on read and declining my calls. If you aren't gonna own up to what you did, we need to discuss this face-to-face." I could hear his voice seething with rage from through the phone.

"Mitchel, I swear to God if you come over here-" I was cut off by the beeping of the phone, signifying that he had hung up. Oh my God. Why was he being so difficult right now?

I ran downstairs and locked the door to my house. No way in hell was I letting that boy come inside. I paced in the living room, too anxious to sit down. I didn't even know why he was mad at me. I wasn't trying to ignore him. It was finals week after all, and I needed all my focus to be on school. It's not my fault if it came off as me "ignoring him."

I went over to the window by my door pulled the blinds back. The dark, 9:00 sky made it hard to see anything. I flipped on the porch light, hoping to illuminate the street more. To my relief, there was no Mitchel outside.

I switched off the light and pulled back the blinds, my heart still beating rapidly. I was starting to think it was unhealthy he was making me feel this way. I mean, this was too far, right?

My heart dropped as a heard a car door slam outside. Oh my God, please don't be him.

I heard footsteps on the porch. "Open up, y/n!" Mitchel yelled from outside, pounding on the door.

I didn't answer him; I was too scared to talk anyway. It's ok though, I thought to myself. He can't get in. He'll lose interest and leave eventually.

"Did you forget I have a key?" he said devilishly. The door rattled a little before being pushed open to reveal a very angry Mitchel.

"You thought you could hide from me, y/n? You thought you could ignore me? Why would you ignore me, your boyfriend, who you love very much?" He took a few steps toward me.

"I haven't been trying to ignore you, Mitchel," I said, my voice wavering. "And in case you haven't noticed, our relationship isn't the only thing in my life right now. I have school, a-and friends, and—"

"I don't give a fuck about your friends!" Mitchel cut me off, his voicing getting louder. "Do you really think they care about you? I've been there for you when they haven't! Who comforted you when you were having issues with them? Me!"

"Mitchel, you're crazy! This is not how normal people act. You're just trying to manipulate me and it's not gonna work—"

"Take a look around, y/n," Mitchel said while walking towards me. "Your friends don't want you. They've all ditched you. I'm the only one who hasn't walked out."

I took a few steps away from Mitchel and my back hit the wall. He put his arm up next to me, preventing me from escaping easily.

"I've been so good to you, y/n," Mitchel said. I looked away, too scared to maintain eye contact. "And in return, you treat me like this. It's not gonna work."

I tried to quickly duck under his arm to escape, but he grabbed my wrist.

"No, you know what's not gonna work, Mitchel?" I said, shaking my wrist free from his grasp. I had finally gained some confidence to stand up to him. "This relationship. I've been doing some thinking, and this isn't healthy."

Mitchel's forehead creased in confusion, but I continued. "I don't want you calling me anymore. I don't want you showing up at my house anymore, and most importantly I don't want to be with you anymore."

We stood there in silence for a few seconds, both of us taking in what I had just said, until Mitchel finally spoke.

"You know what? I'll leave. But I think you're making a huge mistake." He started towards the door. "Don't be surprised when you find yourself calling me at 2 a.m. begging me to come back."

"Oh, believe me, I won't be doing that," I said coolly, my arms crossed. "And give me your key to my house, please."

Mitchel took the key out of his pocket and threw it on the couch. He looked at me, almost as if he was challenging me to say something, but I stayed silent. He clenched his jaw and walked out the door, not bothering to close it behind him. I followed him to the door and stood there as he climbed into his car. For the last time, we made eye contact, before he started the car and sped off.


a/n: happy 2019 everyone!! i told u guys i'd update this book at least a few times before the new year ;) also, i currently don't have any new chapter ideas, so feel free to comment some ideas/songs i should base a chapter off of! ok bye xx

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