Ch. 1 Hogwarts Letter

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Isabelle's POV
I stood in the small orphanage next to the window gazing out. I looked outside at the park across the street where parents watched their children play with a grin on their lips. I longed for that feeling, the feeling of love these families had that I would never feel while in this orphanage. I felt lost and alone. No one at the orphanage liked me, not even the woman who ran the orphanage liked me.

"Isabelle. Come here!" The woman yelled as I sighed. I wondered what I did to attract her anger this time. I walked into her office as she glared harshly at me. She tossed a letter at me aggressively. My lips parted as I read my Hogwarts acceptance letter in confusion. A school for magic? The letter was clearly a joke but somewhere deep inside me knew the letter made perfect sense and was the furthest thing from a joke. "You are leaving with someone in an hour."

"What do you mean leaving?" I asked my blue eyes looking at the woman who I had known for my whole life. While she treated me poorly she was the closest thing I had to family. I wanted to leave but this was the only thing I had known. I was scared, what if the new place was worse.

"You aren't staying here anymore," she snapped harshly with a cold look in her dark eyes.

"But where am I going?" I questioned on the verge of tears. I may not have felt loved at the orphanage but this had become my home and now I had to leave and go to an unknown location.

"I could care less," she spat shoving me out of the office. I stumbled catching myself on the wall. I looked at the papers in my hand. I stared at the letter for a moment more before I went up to my room throwing clothes in the only bag I had. The clothes weren't great but they were better than some other people's clothes. When I finished I heard my name being called once more. I raced down the stairs with my bag gripped tightly in my hands. I paused as my eyes found a strict looking woman standing by the front door.

"Hello Miss Isabelle, I am here to take you to get school supplies," she said as I nodded. "I am Professor Mcgonagall and I teach transfiguration at Hogwarts. I am also the head of Gryffindor house."

"Pleasure to meet you professor," I said politely despite not knowing anything about Hogwarts or what transfiguration was. Even though I hadn't been taught to be polite I was naturally polite to the point I annoyed the woman running the orphanage.

"Hold my arm and don't let go," she said before she apperated us to a place I would learn to be Diagon Alley. My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings everything was filled with color and brought a warm feeling to me. "How are you feeling Miss Isabelle? Apperating can be hard the first time."

"I'm fine," I said in confusion as I brought my gaze back to the professor. Apperating wasn't unpleasant. She stared at me for a moment before speaking.

"Good lets get your supplies," she said slightly confused but not giving it a second thought. She walked briskly from store to store with me right behind her struggling to keep up with her. She didn't give me time to look around as frustration grew inside me. I glanced down the list the professor handed to me before I spoke to her. I had quickly figured out that magic was very real and some how I had been chosen to learn about it.

"Can I go get my wand while you finish getting my supplies Professor?" I asked softly to which she paused.

"Fine but you come straight back here and don't talk to strangers Isabelle," the Professor said as I gave her a firm nod before I left the store. I walked down the street slowly taking in the beauty of Diagon Alley when my eyes found a family walking by.

The mother stood straight with a cool expression on her face and her husband beside her. While the woman was cold I could see a deeply hidden pain swirling in her eyes. The man with long blond hair gave off a strong vibe and his son who look exactly like him stood between his parents. The woman held the boy's arm tightly though I wasn't sure why as most children were wandering around without their parents. I found myself unable to look away as the family walked down the street toward Ollivander's. I followed them into the dark dusty store as I needed to get a wand as well. I stood near the front of the story observing the family.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy. I think I have the perfect replacement wand for you," Mr. Ollivander said handing the boy a wand. My lips parted as a warmth flowed through the room making all of the Malfoys smile. They bought the wand turning around. Their eyes fell on me and I saw the disgust on their faces.

"Another Mudblood," The father muttered under his breath while I looked at them in confusion.

"What's a Mudblood?" I questioned knowing it was most likely an insult based on their expressions.

"You are Muggleborn," he said as I sighed. I still had no idea what that term meant but instead of asking I told them a little about my life.

"I'm an orphan," I said simply. "I have no idea who my parents were but I assure you that I will steer clear of your family sir." I turned from him abruptly not giving his comment a second thought as Ollivander stared at me mouth open in shock. I didn't wait for Ollivander and instead rushed through the store as the four people watched me with curiousity. No child had done what I was doing. I felt the hum of a wand calling to me. I didn't know how I knew it was the wand calling to me but I did. I shut my eyes focusing on the pull as I held my hand out. The wand flew straight into my hand bonding to me instantly. I heard collective gasps from the people behind me as they watched the wand in my hand glow golden.

"I expect great things from you Miss..." Ollivander trailed off and for the first time Ollivander didn't know who I was already.

"Call me Isabelle as I don't have a last name," I said before paying Ollivander for the wand. I turned giving the Malfoys one more curious glance before I tracked down the professor.

"Miss Isabelle. We found you a person to stay with from now on. They will expect you to help out around the house in exchange," the professor said simply. I nodded having no other choice. I had stopped asking questions long ago because I was used to them going unanswered. The professor apperated with me to the place I would be staying as my mouth dropped. The house was big but falling apart. I followed the professor up to the front door slowly before she knocked on the door. My heart pounded as the door swung open to reveal a woman named Molly Weasley. She grinned before ushering me inside moments before the professor left.

"Now Isabelle. I have a lot of children so you will have to share a room with my daughter Ginny," Molly said stroking my dark wavy hair. I felt uncomfortable with her touching my hair but didn't say anything as she was just trying to be kind to me.

"Thank you," I said as she turned to show me my room. I would only stay here for the night and tomorrow I would be on my way to Hogwarts. Anticipation flowed through my body as I curled up in the bed to sleep.

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