Ch. 27 The Final Battle

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The power flowing through my veins blasted from my body forming a barrier between Bellatrix and Molly. The anger I felt fueled my dark powers. This barrier unlike the last wasn't silver but a murky black. The dark energy oozed from the shield as well as from my body. The shield remained up as shards of black exploded out of my body. Each piece embedded into Molly. Her eyes widened as she dropped to the floor her eyes solid black from my magic. She gave one last gasp before she fell still.

My powers cooled instantly as Bellatrix approached me. I didn't sway in the slightest. This power hadn't drained me. My magic settled back to normal as Bella's eyes checked for any weakness. When she found none she reluctantly raced off into battle again without a word to me. I walked around the battle grounds with purpose. I held my head high as I moved with grace through the chaos around me. I searched for Harry as I passed through the battle calmly. I turned the corner entering the building only to come face to face with several Weasleys who glared at me. They held their wands tightly in their hands as they stared at me. I locked eyes with Percy smirking at the fear I saw on his face. I waved my hand at him sending a small thread of silver magic into the air beside me briefly.

"Hi Perce," I said mocking him as his eyes filled with hatred masking his fear.

"You killed her," he spat causing me to scoff.

"Wouldn't have touched her if she would have left my family alone," I stated. "I would have even forgiven her for attacking me unprovoked." I said simply as I looked at Percy.

"It wasn't unprovoked you traitor," Percy snapped. "You are a death eater!" I laughed at his horribly inaccurate statement.

"I'm not a death eater," I said harshly. "And I'm anything but a traitor. If I wasn't just a weapon to the Order I would still be with you!" I growled. "Dumbledore sealed my fate when he treated me like a criminal when I wasn't old enough to be one simply because I was a Malfoy." I said bitterly before sending a wave of my silvery magic knocking Percy to the ground. He gasped as I looked at him calmly. "It wasn't all bad. Thanks to Dumbledore I received the powers of every Malfoy to have ever lived." I spat coolly.

"Liar," he glared as he got up. Once he was on his feet his sister and brother came closer to us.

"Three on one. Hardly seems fair," I said with a smirk growing on my lips. In this moment I looked so much like Bellatrix. The anticipation of the duel I was about to have brought an uncontainable grin across my face. I didn't know why but I was enjoying this.

"Avada Kedavra," Ginny said sending the curse hurtling towards me. I looked at her boredly as I deflected the spell sending it at Percy. Shock filled his eyes seconds before his body dropped to the ground. Ginny cried out in grief as her brother's blank eyes looked at nothing. Her spell had killed him.

"You'll pay for that!" Ron growled as he sent a wordless Crucio my way. The spell hit me but didn't hurt. My magic had rushed to meet the curse neutralizing the curse before it could cause any damage. I raised an eyebrow at Ron as his confidence faded. I didn't hesitate as the rage and emotional pain filled my body.

"Avada Kedavra," I whispered watching as Ron's body hit the ground with a thud. Peace filled me as I watched the man who tortured me fall at my feet unable to attack me anymore. I let the victory fill me for a few moments before I focused on the remaining Weasley standing before me. My gaze focused on Ginny as sadness filled my eyes. She shouldn't have to die because of her family's mistake and yet I knew she wouldn't back down. "I'm giving you an out Ginny. You were kind to me throughout my time with your family. Walk away and I'll protect you." I told her hoping she would take the offer. She stared at me for a moment before her face grew hard.

"Crucio!" She snapped but I deflected the spell with a frown.

"Fine," I said before I sent a wave of dark magic at her. Instead of killing her I used the power to bind hers. She wouldn't be able to cast a single spell ever again. I basically made her into a Squib. She looked at me in confusion causing me to smirk. She didn't feel anything but knew my power had entered her body.

"What did you just do?" She asked causing me to giggle.

"You'll see," I stated as apperated away. I landed in the courtyard where I heard Harry yell. I spun to see Tom and Harry dueling while the fighting around them stilled. Everyone was watching what would happen. I saw the twins standing off to the side with Professor Lupin. The three of them were watching the battle as intently as everyone else. I spotted my mother and Draco and I wasn't sure why they were still here but I made a note of that in my mind before I focused back on the battle. As I was watching a cloudiness filled my body. I found my body walking forward despite my mind trying to stop me. I soon reached Tom and Harry and Tom glanced over at me. I raised my wand aiming at Tom. Harry had lowered his smirking viciously as Tom's gaze met mine.

"Isabelle," Tom whispered as a tear fell down my cheek. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to hurt Tom. "Aberforth let her go!" Tom said firmly his eyes flashing red. "She is a child and she shouldn't be forced to do this for you!" I knew whatever spell Aberforth had used it wasn't the Imperious Curse because I was fully aware of what was happening which only made it worse. I would be completely aware of everything I was doing with no way to stop.

"But it's what she was designed to do. She is the key to winning the war. Not because of the magic she possesses. While she is powerful her strength comes from the fact you won't raise a hand against her. She's the perfect weapon," Aberforth said simply sounding so much like his brother in this moment. I tried to pull my wand away from Tom. My body wouldn't let me move no matter how much I tried to.

"Tom," I said weakly with tears freely flowing down my face.

"If you can speak freely now you can break free Isabelle," Tom said firmly. I looked at his eyes as I felt my magic building inside me. I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want to watch as I killed him.

"Run please," I begged but Tom stood there with his full attention on me.

"I won't leave you," he said softly. His eyes were filled with love for me. Tears pooled in my blue eyes as I looked at him.

"Isa!" My mother gasped. My eyes found my mother quickly. She moved towards me but Draco grabbed her. She struggled against Draco who kept her back, away from me. My mother's blue eyes were filled with so much fear and love for me. I could see her desire to help me but I knew she couldn't. I felt a second power inside me flood to the surface as I breathed heavily.

Every part of me was fighting Aberforth's spell. The second wave of magic had swirled around my body pulling back my power. The two powers clashed within me as pain rushed through me. I wanted to scream out but I didn't. My hand shook as tears continued to pour down my cheeks. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to kill Tom. I felt a snap deep inside me followed by immense wave of pain before everything faded away. I stood straighter as I gripped my wand tightly. I whipped around to Harry.

"Stupefy!" I screamed sending Harry flying across the pavement. I turned towards Aberforth to knock him away only for a sharp pain to fill my abdomen. I looked at the blade embedded in my stomach before my blue eyes looked up at Aberforth. He glared victoriously at me before he let my body drop to the harsh ground holding the bloody blade in his hand.

"Avada Kedavra," Tom spat as Aberforth dropped dead a few steps away from me. Tom and my mother both rushed towards me as blood pooled beneath me.

"Harry," I choked out causing Tom to frown. My mother knelt next to me grabbing my hand tightly in hers. She began muttering healing spells as Tom reluctantly turned away from me approaching the Boy Who Lived. I wanted the battle to end and to do that Tom needed to finish the fight even if that meant leaving me there. I fought against the exhaustion and the blood loss as Tom raised his wand killing Harry. I felt Harry's life force fade away instantly and knew the battle had finally ended. The room spun as spots filled my vision. I fought to hold on but I found myself fading. "Mom." I whispered seconds before I slipped into unconsciousness.

(A/N: double post day cause I can. Fyi I have most of this story complete just editing the last few chapters which I think you'll like. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on this FanFic. I love reading your comments and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!)

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