Ch. 2 Hogwarts

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I woke early getting dress and made sure I had everything packed. I raced down stairs and into the dining room where everyone was eating. I ate the last pancake and the final piece of bacon. I was still hungry but I couldn't complain. At the orphanage I had to find my own food but here Molly made me breakfast.

"When do we leave?" I asked as Ron smiled.

"Once you finish eating," he said as I grinned. I put my plate in the sink before grabbing my trunk.

"I'm ready," I said as we all headed to the floo room. I traveled with Molly and everyone else followed close behind me. We stood at the train station with Molly waiting for the rest of the family. They showed me how to get onto platform 9 3/4. We boarded the train Ron finding a place to sit while I explored. I wandered around until I bumped into the Malfoy boy again. "Sorry."

"It's fine. I'm Draco Malfoy," he said with a smile on his face. He seemed more gentle than he did the first time I met him.

"I'm Isabelle as you know. Can I sit with you?" I questioned as he nodded at me. We both sat in the compartment as my eyes stared at his.

"What is Hogwarts like?" I asked Draco.

"It's not as good as it used to be but I like it. There are four houses. I'm a Slytherin and then there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Slytherin is for the ambitious. Gryffindor is for the brave but if you ask me it's full of complete imbeciles. The Hufflepuffs are hardworking and loyal, tend to get along with the other houses pretty well. The Ravenclaw is for the intelligent people. They don't socialize much unless it's book related," Draco said to me.

"Does that mean Slytherin and Gryffindor don't get along well?" I asked after thinking about what he said about their house.

"Yeah. You'll see some houses get along better than others. If you want I can help you out," he said simply as I grinned at him.

"I'd appreciate that," I said firmly as he smiled back at me. He continued to look at me before he opened his mouth to ask the question I could see brewing in his mind.

"So you have no idea who your parents are?" Draco asked after a moment. I took a sharp breath nodding.

"I wish I knew but I have no idea," I murmured yawning.

"You should rest before we get to Hogwarts. I'll wake you before we arrive," Draco said taking in my drooping eyes. I reluctantly agreed allowing my eyes to drift shut.

I stood in a dark hallway inside a big house. Most would find the darkness of the home overbearing but somehow standing there I felt comfort. I never wanted to leave though I had no idea why.

I walked down the hallway hearing a sobbing in a room not far away from me. I stepped into the room to see Draco's mother holding a photo in her hand with tears running down her cheek. The sight of Mrs. Malfoy in pain caused me to hurt too. I just wished to take her pain but knew nothing could. Whoever was in the photo meant a great deal to her. I jumped hearing a crack of thunder as the Dark Lord strode into the room. (A/N: I know the timing is off as the Dark Lord would have already been defeated by baby Harry but for the way I want the story to go he is still around) Instead of getting angry with her he knelt next to her calmly.

"I promise you Narcissa we will search the ends of the earth until we find her. I don't care if I have to kill every order member to find her, I will," he said as her sad blue eyes looked up at him. She didn't have to thank the Dark Lord for he already knew. He gave her a firm nod before apperating away leaving Narcissa in what appeared to be a nursery alone.

My eyes flew open as I jolted awake breathing heavily. I reached up touching my face to find my cheeks wet. I had been crying in my sleep. I wiped the tears away as Draco eyed me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me softly as I gave a weak nod. I wasn't sure if I was okay especially as the dream played on a loop inside my head. The train screeched to a halt preventing Draco from continuing the conversation. We got up rushing off the train Draco went to the carriages while I went to the boats riding them to Hogwarts. My blue eyes widened as I looked up at the castle. The warmth of the castle had brought a smile from my lips as it banished my dream to my subconscious. I ran up to the doors as soon as the boat docked. I followed Professor Mcgonagall into the great hall as she explained some things to the students. Her eyes found me standing near some future Slytherins causing a frown to spread across her lips. She clearly hated the people I was standing next to but I could care less. I could be friends with anyone if I wanted to.

"Miss Isabelle," came my name first. My breath hitched as panic filled me. The house I got would dictate my entire time here. I walked up to the stool slowly. I knew this was going to decide my future here at Hogwarts and wasn't sure I was ready to know. My heart beat roughly against my chest as I sat down. I looked around the great hall until my eyes found Draco. I hoped that I didn't get Gryffindor because then it would be hard to talk to Draco. The big old sorting hat touched my head as it's voice echoed through my head.

"Ah Miss ISABELLE." The hat said stressing my name. I believe you just like all your ancestors belong in Slytherin. I see a great cunning nature inside you and through your years here they will help you grow and find your true potential. "Better be SYTHERIN!"

I hopped off the stool heading to the Slytherin table while the Weasleys glared at me. I ducked my head waiting for the sorting to end. I hated that the Weasleys were staring at me throughout the rest of the sorting.

While I waited for the sorting to end I looked up at the head table where all the professors sat. My eyes found a woman in a horrendous pink outfit sitting slightly away from the rest of the Professors. She didn't seem so bad but I noticed a lot of people glared at her through the rest of the evening. I didn't know many people in my house but didn't mind I was glad I had Draco at the very least. He stayed by my side the entire evening eyeing me with curiosity as I hadn't said one word since the sorting.

I went up to my dorm sitting on the mattress wanting to escape Draco's questioning glances. I let my mind picture what my parents could have looked like which sent a new wave of tears down my cheeks once more. I curled up on the mattress longing to know where I belonged. I couldn't help but hope the hat was right as I lay on the bed. I wanted just one thing to be closer to my parents but all I had was a note with my name on it buried deep in my trunk. I sobbed until the darkness pulled me into an uneasy sleep.

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