Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Narrator's POV

"Oh Peter, you're back." Stephen said as Peter swung in through the window. Stephen was setting the table for dinner, and Tony was helping him.

"Yeah, kid. You're early." Tony said, placing a napkin on the table.

Peter went over to the counter and sat down in one of the stools. His posture was slouched. He removed his mask and sighed.

"What is it Peter?" Stephen asked, noticing small pools of tears in Peter's eyes.

"Well, I have a class called "Pals", where you basically learn how to be good with kids and handle situations and stuff, and my homework for it was to interview one of our younger siblings. But..." Peter stopped.

"But?" Tony asked. Stephen nudged him. "Oh." He said in a low tone.

"I don't have any siblings." Peter answered.

"Well, couldn't you just make a fake interview and put typical things that, you know, a small child would say?" Stephen asked.

"I mean, I guess I could...but doing it with an actual younger sibling would be much more fun." Peter said. He sat down at the dining table when he saw that his dads were done setting it.

"Hm." Tony sat down too.

Stephen came over to the table with the food. He sat down shortly after he placed the food on the table. "Well, couldn't you go interview one of your friend's younger siblings that doesn't have that class?" Stephen asked.

"Yeah, I guess that could work." Peter said, putting some mash potatoes on his plate.

"Wait a minute." Tony said, putting his fork down. "That's a ridiculous assignment. What about the kids who are only children, like Peter? Why didn't the teacher think of that? I bet there are other students in that class that don't have younger siblings." Tony said, trying to make Peter feel better as he noticed that he was pretty low.

"Yeah Peter. Didn't someone say something?" Stephen asked, looking at Peter.

"Someone did ask, but the teacher only said "too bad" and continued on explaining the assignment." Peter said.

"What kind of teacher is that?" Tony asked.

"Apparently a very good one because everyone seems to like her." Peter eat some green beans after saying that.


"Did you notice his face?" Tony asked, as he brushed his teeth and stood at the bathroom's doorway. Stephen was sitting up on the bed, with the covers up to his hips and a book on his lap.


"He was totally destroyed." Tony said, throwing his hands in the air. He walked back and forth, in circles inside the bathroom. "You already know he wants some company around the house. He has Wade, but even he has to go away and do his things; leaving Peter all alone."

"I think he needs a pet." Stephen said, flipping a page.

"I think he needs a little brother." Tony said. Stephen stopped reading, his eyes looked up. He then turned to Tony.

"A little brother?" He asked.

"Yes. A little brother." Tony said with the toothbrush still inside his mouth.


"You know he wants one." Tony said, spitting into the sink and rinsing his mouth.

"He was on laughing gas that one time. You couldn't tell if he was serious or not." Stephen said.

"Stephen, you could just tell he is dying to have a little sibling. He wants someone to take care of, protect. He wants to be a big brother." Tony got into bed, embracing Stephen, laying him down.

"I don't know Tony. It'd be a little dangerous to have a toddler running up and down the hallways in our situation." Stephen said, twirling the sheets in his hands. He was having mixed feelings about it.

"We don't have to worry about anything because I've got this." Tony pressed his chest against Stephen's back, making sure Stephen felt the arc reactor.


"For protection. Insurance." Tony said. He kissed Stephen's nape. "Think about it Stephen, please. For Peter, for you. I know you hate the fact that you missed raising Peter, we could get the chance with this one." Tony said, and it was true. Stephen regretted not getting to raise Peter and watch him grow. He missed so much.

Stephen sighed. "Goodnight Tony."

"I love you." Tony said before he closed his eyes.


"Woo-hoo! You're sixteen Pete!" Ned said, as he took Peter by the shoulders and shook him. Peter laughed.

Yup, Peter was turning sixteen today. He didn't really like big parties, so he just had a small gathering with his friends and close family.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish." Mj said.

"Just don't say it aloud or it may not come true." Harry patted Peter on the back jokingly. Peter laughed.

"Okay, okay." He took in a deep breath and blew the candles out. His friends cheered and clapped. "Who wants the first slice?" Peter asked.

"Peter aren't you going to open your gifts?" Thor asked, holding his gift to Peter up.

"Oh, if you want." Peter took it. He opened it. Inside there was a golden shield. "Wow, thank you Uncle Thor." Peter said.

"It's brings good luck. You put it on your wall above your bed." Thor explained.

"Thanks." Peter said.

"Open mine next!" Mj squealed.

Peter spent the next half hour opening gifts from his family and friends. He got a cool dagger from Loki, which Stephen confiscated for safety precautions.


"Where are we going anyway?" Peter asked Stephen while he sat in the backseat of the fancy sports car Stephen was driving.

"You'll see." Stephen said, taking a turn. He stopped in front of a white building. "Why don't you open your gift from your dad and me?" Stephen handed Peter a small box.

"Okay." Peter took the small box, opening it. Inside was a pair of small shoes. Peter picked one shoe up. He laughed. "Thanks, but I think these might be a little too small."

"They're not for you." Stephen said, smiling at Peter through the rearview mirror. He tapped his window with his knuckle.

Peter looked out his window and saw Tony standing in front of the white building, but he was with a small boy. There was a sign above where they stood that read "Miss Vase's Home for Children". Tony was holding the little boy's hand. Peter looked down at the small shoes and over to the little boy. He looked up at Stephen. "No way."

Stephen smiled at him. "Happy birthday Peter."

"Oh my gosh!" He jumped out of the car and rushed over to Tony and the boy, but slowed down when he was a few feet away from the two. He stared at the little boy, then up at Tony.

Tony smiled at him and nodded his head. Peter smiled brightly and looked down at the little boy. He crouched down to his height and stuck a hand out.

"Hi. I'm Peter, your older brother."

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