Chap 3 | New Life After The Storm

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The atmosphere of the campus this morning was very bright. Then the students who move actively here and there, laughing widely with their friends, have become my consumption for a month. Normally I'm not like this, I'm the type of person who doesn't care about others, but for some reason this morning seeing a routine that should have been used to me has now become something interesting. Well, maybe because I haven't been to college for a week.

After that incident I had fever for days. A week without being in campus felt like I hadn't spent the best campus in years. You know the one thing that makes me feel at home on my campus? Yeah, the air is so fresh. The oxygen I breathe is so cool and clear. It is very difficult to get when you are in a big city because usually there are only high-rise buildings, vehicles that pollute the air or long traffic jams that want to make me want to throw up right away.

so, I should start a new life right? who knows how many times I repeated that word Every time I have a bad incident I always say that word. Start a new life and forget the past. I hope that I will never meet a demon incarnation man or vice versa named Robin again. God this time please hide me from him and make him forget me, Aamin, my prayer in my heart.

"Ari, How are you doing?" it was Sandy's voice coming from behind me, I turned and hugged her, my best friend.

"As you can see now, I am better than the last time we met," I said as we unraveled our hugs.

"Do you know? Actually, Ms. Lisa's class was canceled this morning? I deliberately lied to you so I could see your fresh face this morning."

"What do you mean?"

"You certainly don't know yet, if scholarship students who don't have classes this morning are required to attend the seminar in the Auditorium."

"Oh shit, again? Seminar?" I asked rhetorically.

Well as you all know that I'm one of the scholarship students here, Fully funded to be exact. But of course there has to be a price I have to pay for it. Well it's like sacrificing my free time to just listen to the seminar for hours and it's really boring.

A month here I have attended eleven seminars that must be followed by scholarship students. What I'm surprised is why should I take my free time? Why not when there is class, at least I can be freed from Killer lecturers who teach in class, you know they are all old and not very compassionate.

You know, once you are late for class, you will be punished to stand in the front corner of the class for thirty minutes and you know the whole class's attention will be diverted to you. If you are beautiful or handsome maybe you will be a little lucky, of course you can use it as a place to spread charm in front of other students, but for the ugly, then get ready to listen to small laughs and low gazes as a form of appreciation. Fortunately, now I am beautiful and have never experienced it, because as a Scholarship student I must try to be as disciplined as possible to maintain my good name in order to maintain my scholarship.

"Oh honey please don't put a pitiful face like that, this is why I didn't want to tell you in the beginning, I can't bear to see this pitiful face of yours." Sandy laughed.

"I don't like being pitied by bitch, don't mess with me, my mood is not good," I said, glaring at her.

"Ough, come on Ari, this time I guarantee the seminar won't be boring, it will be interesting, you know Mr. Devlush, CEO of DHC, Devlush Holding Company, He will be a speaker in this seminar. He is very handsome Ari, I swear to you he is very handsome and he's still single. "

"Sorry, Sandy, but I've never been interested in handsome creatures, you know in my home country there are lots of handsome creatures, but they're all jerks, they just see your look, your face, its a bullshit really!"

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