Part Four

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The ceiling of her bedroom in the Trillion seemed a lot more interesting than it usually did lately. When Ahsoka wasn't wondering about Ezra's whereabouts, she would talk with Anakin. Together, they shared memories and laughed, just like old times in the Temple. She didn't realize how much she missed being called Snips until he was back. Until he was alive again. Sort of.

Her mind often wandered so far she fell peacefully asleep (which rarely happened since she discovered Ezra's current "situation"). She would dream about her days as a Padawan and fantasize chopping up battle droids amid epic combat: Cody screaming to the rest of his platoon about too many "clankers";  Obi-Wan agreeing with him and then contemplating with Anakin about it; Anakin rushing, mindlessly, head-first, into battle; and everything somehow leading to an explosion and one of Obi-Wan's classic lines: "ANAKIN, THAT'S WASN'T THE COUNCIL'S ORDERS!" or "AHSOKA, COME BACK HERE!" or "I've got a bad feeling about this." One morning, she awoke to Anakin meditating in the middle of her room, floating above the ground with his luminescent blue glow. 

"Good morning, Padawan."

"Good morning, Master."

"Should we finally discuss why I'm here?"

Ahsoka furrowed her brow. "Why you're here?"


"I don't understand, Anakin."

Anakin laughed and stood upon the thick, silk-woven rug in the center of her bedroom. "I figured you'd have forgotten. We had so much catching up to do, even I forgot." He paused. "You need help finding your Jedi friend, Ezra Bridger."

Ahsoka's face fell as she sat up and her mind snapped back to reality. "Right," she said under her breath, "Ezra. He needs us to find him. I can't believe I forgot about that..."

"And I'm sorry to say that I have to go," Anakin cut her off.

"What?" Ahsoka exclaimed. "Why?"

"Because I fulfilled the obligation." He flashed a crooked, sly smirk. "But I'll be here whenever you need me." 

Tears filled Ahsoka's eyes again, but she forced herself to blink them back. "But I need you now."

His smirk widened into a smile. "I know."

Then, he vanished without a trace. 

A moment later, she got an incoming hologram transmission from Sabine.

"Hey, Sabine," she said, rubbing her tired eyes after accepting the transmission, "Did you find something?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed with a huge smile, "At least I think I did. I went with Hera and the Squadron to Ylesia in Hutt Space. A giant Reek attacked me out of nowhere, so I killed it, and I found a radio signal enhancer in its neck."

Ahsoka was not expecting Sabine to reply with something that bizarre, but it wasn't the craziest thing she'd heard. "What does that have to do with Ezra?"

"I'm not completely sure yet. There's an interesting symbol on the back that I'll have to show you... It only has one channel, so I thought I'd bring it over so we can check it out."

"Hold on, Sabine," Ahsoka stood. "That's not a good idea. It could be a tracking device, or a bomb, or--"

"So, meet me in the Colonies System near Carida in an hour. I'll send you the coordinates, and we'll make sure to have a hatch open in case it explodes."


"I'll meet you there."

Sabine's face blinked away, and Ahsoka stood flabbergasted by how quick-paced her Mandalorian friend was. But even though she felt she barely had enough time to get ready for a possible bomb, she trudged to the cockpit, set the coordinates Sabine sent her just moments ago, and pulled the lever that activated lightspeed.

* * * * *

The coordinates sent Ahsoka to the Alderaanian Asteroid Field, which was just the remains of the Death Star's destruction of the planet Alderaan. Sabine's X-wing was waiting for her in the middle of two huge space rocks. After opening the bay door of the Trillion, Sabine piloted her vessel into the garage-like space in the back of Ahsoka's ship and they settled down in the cockpit to discuss their next move.

Ahsoka studied the blinking green light on the enhancer as she tried adjusting the frequency. As Sabine had described, nothing happened, and it stayed at the same station. A white Lothcat was painted on the back, which got Ahsoka's attention.

This device was definitely Ezra's.

"The volume doesn't work," Sabine said after a few silent moments. "We have to hook it up to the radio, I think."

Ahsoka nodded and handed the enhancer back to Sabine. Using a small cord, she attached the antenna of the enhancer to the radio, and Ezra's voice started to play through the Trillion's cockpit.

Sabine and Ahsoka listened in relief as Ezra spoke.

"If you're hearing this, I, Ezra Bridger, am alive..."

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