Part Ten

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The past becomes the present. 

"Ahsoka..." beckoned a voice. "Ahsoka..."

She woke up in the captain's chair in the Trillion's cockpit. When she looked to see who had called her, she only noticed that Sabine was gone from the co-pilot's seat. Frantically, she stood up and started to make her way out of the cockpit, but bumped into an invisible wall in the doorway. She fell back. 

Ahsoka popped back up from the ground and looked around the doorway for some kind of force field, but there was nothing to be seen blocking her way. She could see all the way down the hall like nothing was there. Suddenly, a luminescent blue glow ignited behind her. She spun around, lightsaber in hand, and braced for battle, but was shocked to find both Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi sitting in the passenger seats of her ship.

"Well, Ahsoka," Obi-Wan said, "I do believe we have a lot to catch up on."

Ahsoka sighed with a relieved smile and put her lightsaber away. "Yes, Master," she said, "I believe we do."

* * * * *

Two hands clasped over her shoulders and shook her awake. Sabine was calling her name.... but what was she saying? Her head felt fuzzy... where had she been?

Oh, I remember! Ahsoka thought, I was with my Masters.

"Ahsoka! AHSOKA!" Sabine yelled. "I think we're at this Mortis place!"

Ahsoka was startled completely awake at the mention of the wretched place. She'd been kidnapped, mind-controlled, killed, and resurrected at the cost of an important life there. There were so many memories she'd preferred to have kept on Mortis, but now, after all this time, they were flooding back like a tsunami on Kamino. The accidental journey to Mortis wasn't the most fun adventure she'd had with her former Masters, but it was the most eye-opening. 

Their adventure had been the Force trying to tell them that Barriss was right.

Ahead of them was the all-too-familiar, rhombus-shaped, somber planet-like-place of Mortis. Ahsoka sighed. Here we go again. Suddenly, the Trillion started to shake and rumble and a blinking red light appeared on the dashboard.

Sabine pressed a series of buttons, and a diagnostic appeared on a tiny screen. 

"The engine is failing!" Sabine said worriedly. "Are we going to crash?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said, "yes, we are."

Sabine stared in disbelief at how calm Ahsoka was. 

Ahsoka clicked off auto-pilot and took hold of the controls. The Trillion jerked and vibrated as if it were also bracing for impact. As they approached the giant rhombus, Ahsoka pushed forward on the controls, speeding the Trillion toward certain death. Sabine cursed indistinctively somewhere in the back of the ship before stumbling to the co-pilot's chair and strapping herself in. The rhombus unexpectedly twisted counterclockwise, opening in the middle and revealing a blinding white light. Still, the rebels raced forward into the unknown, shielding their eyes from the light, as they entered the center of the rhombus; as they entered the atmosphere of Mortis.

The prompt feeling of awakening from a deep, careless sleep overcame Ahsoka as they found themselves laying in tall, shimmering grass. Panic swept over her mind as she swiftly sat up and looked for Sabine, who was laying a few feet away from her.

"Sabine!" she said quietly as she shook her friend, who also woke up. 

Sabine sat up and rubbed her temples with a long groan. "What was that?"

Ahsoka looked around cautiously. "I have had many theories about this place, but my main theory is that we are in the Force."

"What?" Sabine exclaimed. Ahsoka shushed her and Sabine went on quietly, "How is that possible?"

"The Force has its ways." She poked her head up just above the grass. When she saw the coast was clear, she motioned for Sabine to get up. They were standing in a wide field of tall grass that glittered in the sun. Ahsoka wondered what would happen when the sun would set. Last time, she remembered the almost-transparent trees catching fire, so she hoped nothing like that would happen with the grass. 

"We need to get shelter. This place is a nightmare after sundown. I think I remember where the cave where Obi-Wan and I spent the night is, but it might take a while." Ahsoka started westward (or what she hoped was westward), praying things didn't end up the way they did last time, and could only hope for the best as the two rebels travelled.

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