Part Fourteen

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"NO!" the Son shouted. With his lightsaber, he lunged at her, aiming at her throat. Ahsoka blocked him just in time with her white sabers and shoved him backward with a force so strong, it almost blew over Sabine. Ahsoka spun through the air, her lightsabers creating a tornado-like structure around her, and dove towards the Son. He jumped out of the way just in time, but not quick enough. Her lightsaber had just skimmed his right arm, and he grabbed it and shrieked.

"Not again!" he yelled at her, his volume rising. "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED AGAIN! WE WILL SEE WHO IS THE ALPHA, PADAWAN!"

"That's Fulcrum to you, Son," she said with her casual wit. Sabine was finally starting to see the real Ahsoka again.

They rushed toward each other at the same time, lightsabers at the ready, but when their weapons clashed, a spark ignited, and the two enemies were sent flying backward. Ahsoka landed on her back in the far corner, and the Son crashed into the opposite wall and collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Sabine rushed to help Ahsoka. She kneeled beside her wounded friend, whose knee quickly swelled and turned blackish-purple.

"Are you okay?" Sabine asked as Ahsoka struggled to stand.

"I will be," she answered, giving her friend a small smile. Across the room, the Son wasn't having as much luck. He was clutching his torso with both arms, breathing quickly, and limping.

Ahsoka sighed, staring at her enemy. "Let's end this."

"Ahsoka, you can barely walk," Sabine urged. "How are you supposed to fight him?"

"I won't need to."

Ahsoka closed her eyes and held out her hand, wincing when she accidentally put weight on her knee. The Son was suddenly flying towards them across the large room, groaning when his back stretched out. With her hand outstretched, she summoned his forehead to her palm. As soon as his skin touched her, he started screaming in agony, and his eyes flashed in and out from the malicious red and Ezra's normal blue. Ahsoka also groaned, and her eyes glowed a bright white until finally both of them stopped and collapsed in an unconscious jumble.

Sabine just stood there, completely dumbfounded, until Ahsoka sat up with a start.

Sabine kneeled to her friend's height. Ahsoka clutched her head. "Are you okay?" Sabine asked. "What happened?"

"I transferred the Son's consciousness out of Ezra," Ahsoka said, massaging her temples.

Sabine's eyes narrowed. "Ahsoka..."

"Yes," her friend said. "He is now in my mind, tucked away where the new Son and Daughter will never know of him or his corrupt nature again. He's strong, but hopefully not strong enough to get out of me and..." her voice trailed off. "I doubt it will happen, though."

Sabine looked over at Ezra, who was still sound asleep. "How long will he be out?"

Ahsoka gasped and checked his pulse. She sighed in relief. "He's alive. How long he'll be asleep is a different story. I've heard of Force possession, but I've never actually seen it. Only a truly powerful Sith could even attempt it, and they usually pass out from the strain before the process is complete."

"How... how did you do that?" Sabine asked. "That was some crazy stuff that just... wow."

"I don't really know, either," Ahsoka said, standing up with a wince. "Instinct, maybe. Or... maybe my Master guided me." She smiled.

Suddenly, a deep, mechanical breathing echoed through the room. Ahsoka's face melted to complete terror.

"Sabine,'' she whispered, "Take Ezra and hide. Now."

Sabine did as she was instructed. When she was out of sight, Ahsoka stood and called out to the invisible force. "Are you going to come forward, coward?"

Black smoke filled the room, making Ahsoka's vision hazy. Blind and in the dark, she opened her mind, listening to the silence. But only one word came to her mind when she kept listening to the strange breathing.


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