Chapter 3

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I entered my house and greet my unnies. "I'm home~"

"Oh! Hi! Now hurry go bath!" Jisoo unnie said and push me towards the bathroom. "Eww, Y/N is soo smelly" Lisa unnie said as she walk pass me. "Just wait till I get my revenge Lisa unnie" I said while Lisa unnie laughed as much as she wants.

I grab my towel and clean myself. I need to calm myself from all the things that happen today.

I then get into this ;

Living Room" hello~ " I went to the living room and sat next to Lisa unnie

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Living Room
" hello~ " I went to the living room and sat next to Lisa unnie. " where have you been after school?" Lisa unnie asked. " Jungkook treat me for lunch." I said as I eat the popcorn that Jisoo unnie just brought.

"Did he broke up again?" Jennie unnie asked. " Yup! Why else will he went with Y/N for." Jisoo unnie said sarcastically.

"That playboy will never stop" Rose unnie said. " Yeah! He won't. In fact he must be hitting a new girl right now." I said. " what do you mean?" Lisa unnie asked. " well, he asked me to go home alone when he meet the new girl named Bona after we ate lunch" I explain.

"What ?Bona? That new girl at school?" Jisoo unnie asked and I nodded. " that girl is no good . You're hotter" Jennie unnie said.

"Me? No, I've seen her . She's nice" I said.
"Yah! I know her. She's such a bitch. She nice in the outside but a devil inside" Rose unnie said. " how did you know her?" Jisoo unnie said. " we're from the same middle school. She was the school queenka" Jennie unnie said.

"Oh! Really? I don't care~" I said. "Lets just watch the movie and stop talking about him" I added.


The door rang while we were in the middle of the movie.

"I'll take it" Rose unnie said and walk to the door.

Jungkook's POV
After hanging out with Bona, I decided to check on Y/N and get my car key. Well, even though I always let her go alone like that I still want her to be save. I really care for her.

I push the doorbell only to see Rose noona open the door. "Is Y/N home?" I asked.
"Just wait here!" She said and walk back into her house.

Not long after, Y/N didn't show up at the door , only Rose noona came back and gave me my car key. " Y/N told me to gave you this." She said.

"Where's Y/N?" I asked. "She's too lazy to talk to you" she answered sternly. " Okay then. I'll talk to her tomorrow." I said and wave her goodbye.

Rose unnie went back to the living room after shooing Jungkook home.

"He's gone" she said happily. "Nice!" I said happily. " why you don't want to talk to him anyway?" Lisa unnie asked.

"Well~ he might be just wanna tell me that he's dating Bona now" I said and with that being said my phone ring. I receive a message from him.

You know what, I'm dating Bona. Please tell Hani, Miyeon and Dara that I want to breakup with them! I talk to you later.

"See, I've told you." I showed the unnies the text that he Sent me.

" gosh! I better prepare some spare clothes tomorrow" I said. " what for?" Jennie unnie asked. " in case any of the girls splash me with water" I said sarcastically. Then, I decided to go to bed.

Jennie's POV
"Poor, Y/N!" I said. I didn't know she's this tough to hold her feelings. All of us knows that she likes Jungkook. But she never show it.

"Yeah~ Is she really over him already?" Lisa asked. "I don't think so. Maybe not fully. " Rose added. " Jungkook is so stupid for not seeing how Y/N felt for him" Jisoo unnie said.

"Yup! All the boys at school were fighting to get Y/N attention but Y/N never interested" I said.
"Lets help Y/N ! I can't stand to see her sad. She's to precious to be heartbroken" Jisoo unnie said. "How?"Lisa asked.

"We'll find a way" Jisoo unnie said and we all nodded.

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