Chapter 2

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Piper POV:

I walked through the entrance doors of Goode High.

Yeah, my dad decided I should try a public school again. We'll see how long that lasts.

I come to school around lunch time. I may have promised my dad to go to school, but I never promised going on time.

"Hi, I'm Piper McLean. The new student?" I tell the lady at the front desk.

"And I care because." She says chewing her gum.

"Just give me my schedule, lady!" I say with just a hint of charmspeak.

"Here it is Ms. McLean!" She handed it to me immediately. Okay so maybe I used a little more than a little charm speak.

I looked for my locker number. 626. Haha, why does that sound familiar?

I eventually found my locker in the English hall. There was a group of five surrounding my locker. One with black hair and taller than all the others. Two cheerleaders, and one other dude in some type of jersey. And another with brown hair beside the black haired kid. The popular click. Great. Just what I needed.

As I got closer, I decided to listen in on there conversation.

"I can not believe you joined the cheerleading squad, Kate!" The tall kid with black hair shouted.

"Don't judge me! It's Malia who talked me into it!" The girl, Kate, exclaimed back. Pointing to the other cheerleader.

The brown haired kid said,"Well I like it." He then leaned in to kiss Kate. She kissed him back.

"Knock it off, Reese." The black hair kid shoved the guy kissing Kate.

"Please move!" I say using charmspeak to get them to move away from my locker.

They all obliged, except for the tall black haired kid. I then looked up, and oh my gods! "Percy?!"

"Piper? What are you doing here?" Percy said spreading his arms open for a hug. I hugged him back.

"Dad wants me to try out public school again. Fingers crossed this one doesn't go down in flames." I say. I notice the four teenagers come out of their haze.

"Whose this Perce?" Kate asked.

"Oh guys meet Piper. Piper meet Kate, Reese (They're dating.), Malia, and Jared." He pointed at each person at turn.

"Hi guys!" I greeted them. Thank the gods Percy is here, I have a friend!

"Hey babe." Jared, I think, hit on me.

"Not interested." I say shooting him down before it got out of hand.

"Oh c'mon, you haven't gotten to know me yet!"

"She said she's not interested!" Percy intervened.

"Fine." He backs off, at least for now.

I turn in my combo for my locker. 03-21-39. Then I realized, I don't have anything to put in my locker, so it's kind of pointless to have a locker right now.

"So what classes do you have?"

I looked over his schedule and compared it to mine. We had the same schedule except he had biology whereas I have Cosmo.

"Cosmetology, huh?"

"Mom's doing no doubt."

"Cosmetology? 2nd block?" Malia asked.


"Great we have it with you!" She gestured to herself and Kate.


"Wanna hang out after school?" Percy asked our group. A chorus of 'yeahs' went around. "Cool. Let's head to lunch guys!"

"Hungry as always?" I say in a state of a question.

"Yeah, but they don't have blue food." Percy pouted.

The mortals had a look of confusion on their faces, though Percy and I just laughed.


Once we grabbed our lunch from the line of food, we took our seats at a table near the middle of the lunchroom.


Percy and I, along with the rest of the seven, became really close after the war. They're all practically my family.

"So, uh... How long have you known each other?" Kate asked us.

"I knew of him for the longest time it seems, but finally got to meet him after a few months." I say.

"Yeah. She was one of the girls that went on that trip to Greece and Rome with me." Percy replied.

"Okay... How'd you know of him?" Reese asked.

"Through my best friend and his girlfriend at this camp we go to." I answered.

"Oh, the mysterious camp that you keep mentioning." Malia said with raised eyebrows at Percy.

"Uh... You have to be ADHD and/ or dyslexic to go to this camp." I say butting in. Percy gave me a grateful look.

"Well, I have ADHD. That's why I joined the cheerleading team, it seems to keep me calm. Being active helps, really." Malia responded. I took a mental minute to take her appearance in. She had brownish hair with blonde highlights, but they looked natural, and light green eyes. She was wearing a GOODE cheerleading uniform, an she was only a little bit taller than me.

I gave Percy a quizzical look, he responded with a knowing look. "Well, we just might have to take you one day." I say softly.

"What about me, you, and homecoming? Next Saturday?" Jared flirted with me.

"No thanks! I've got a boyfriend." I say, hoping he gets the hint.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him!" He argued flirtatiously.

Before I could react, Percy was out of his seat and sucker punched him in the face. Jared flew back, out of his seat, from the impact.

"Percy! Stop!" I shout using charmspeak before Percy got himself into any more trouble.

Percy hesitated, he didn't try to hit his friend anymore, but he did shout,"Back off! She's not interested!"

"What? Do you have a crush on her or something?" Jared said jealously.

"No. She's dating my cousin!" Percy calmly replied. "C'mon Pipes." He picked up our trays and directed me away from the lunch room.

"Thanks." I appreciated it. "I know those guys are your friends."

"Its no big deal, they're just a bunch of mortals." He rolled his eyes. It was clear Percy had returned to his calm, goofy state.


Kate's POV:

It was moments like this that I thought Percy was hiding something.

Especially now that, that Piper girl is here. There's something off about her, too.

I stand up, taking my tray with me to throw in the trash can. When I get to the door, I hear Percy and Piper talking.

"Thanks." Piper thanked. "I know those guys are your friends."

"Its no big deal, they're just a bunch of mortals." Percy replied, no doubt a smirk growing on his goofy face.

Mortals? Like they're not? Or was it just a figure of speech? What are they hiding?

I had to investigate.

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