Chapter 3

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Kate's POV:

After school we, Jared, Malia, Reese, and I, followed behind Percy and Piper to his apartment to hang out.


We walked in to be greeted by Mrs. Jackson-Bolfis. "Hey kids, cookies?"

"Are they blue?" Percy asked.

"Yes, haha." She laughed.

"Then yes!" Percy bolted to the kitchen and Piper chased after him as we awkwardly walked in.

We walked in to the living room to find Piper lounging upside down on the couch. We all found a place in the living room to chillax. Percy came back in the living room with 2 cokes and a tray of cookies. He tossed one of the cokes to Piper who caught it. He rested the tray on the coffee table and took a sip of his own coke. "Uh, do you guys want anything to drink?"

Wait! He didn't know our usual drink orders but he did Piper's?! He's known us way longer, than her!

"Water, but I'll come help you." Malia offered.

A few minutes later they came back with our drink orders. "So??" I start off the awkward conversation.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry about the nose." Percy apologizes to Jared," But you shouldn't of been hitting on my cousin's girlfriend." And there went the good apology.

"Right. 'Cousins girlfriend' got it." He put air quotes to signify he wasn't buying his story.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Percy jumped to being defensive.

"We all know that you and Piper have a thing! There's no such cousin or 'Annabeth'." Jared said what we were all thinking.

You could see Percy was trying to reign in his anger. "I think you should go." Piper said matter-of-factly.

"Shh.. The drama is just getting good!" Malia hushed Piper.

"Μεγάλη. Απλά τέλειο." I hear Piper mumble to herself.

"No, she's right. I'm gonna leave." Jared proclaims.

Reese tightens his arm around me. Okay, you must be wondering how we got together, again. Percy. Percy could stand seeing us arguing. Plus with Percy staying after school for swim practice. He was obviously better than Reese. Reese's ego died, we began to talk, and well... We're only together because of Percy.

"Oh dear, what happened to your face?" Mrs. J-B asked Jared who passed her on the way out. He didn't respond, he just slammed the door behind him.

"Oh, Sally, don't get mad! Percy was just being a hero like always." Piper said sitting up right.

"So what did he save you from this time?" Mrs. J-B asked again.

"From that douche! He kept hitting on me even after I told him I was dating Jason." She sighed.

"They can't resist the Aphrodite charm Beauty Queen!" See, there he goes again! Percy's always making greek references!

"Ha. Ha. Shut up, Kelp Head!" Piper threw a pillow at Percy. He was laughing to hard for her to notice, so it slapped him in the face and shoved him to the floor. Setting both Piper, Malia, and Reese into a laughing fit. But not me, I ask,"Are you alright, Perce?"

"Yeah, why?" He smiled. "Oh because of the pillow? I've been through way worse!"

"Okay..." I say uncertainly.

"I think it's time to play a little game I like to call Truth or Dare..." Malia says in a persuading way.

"No! Let's play 'What are the odds..'!" Percy whines.

"No. Truth or Dare. Way better." Malia states. Then we took a vote. Truth or Dare won.

"Malia, you go first since you suggested the game." Piper suggests.

"Okay... Percy, truth or dare?" Malia ponders.

"Dare!" He says. Shocker.

"No, you always choose dare! Choose truth!" Malia complains.

"Nope. Sorry I said dare."

"Fine." Malia smirks," I dare you to tell us wether you're a virgin or not."

"I don't think that's any of your business. That's between Annabeth and I." Percy claims.

"He is. There waiting until marriage." Piper answers for him.

"Pipes!" Percy blushes from embarrassment.

"Next!" I shout," Percy."

"Piper. Truth or dare?" Percy continues.


"I dare you to... Lick the bottom of Reese's foot!"

"Oh, real mature!" Piper glares at Percy. Reese was in a hurry to kick off his shoe and sock. He was practically drooling like a puppy dog.

Piper looked disgusted, but stuck her tongue out and complied. "EWWW!!! DONT YOU CLEAN YOUR FEET?!" Piper squealed in anger and disgust. Percy and Malia were rolling in the floor with laughter, me on the other hand wasn't . I was angry with Reese for enjoying Piper's lick! I mean gross! The next thing I did, I think surprised everybody. I slapped Reese and stampeded out of the apartment.

"I guess the game is over?" Reese said in a questioning manner.

"Aw." Malia pouted.

"I'll go after her, it was my fault after all." Percy replied.

Percy walked out of the apartment to find me waiting for the elevator. "Elevator doesn't work." He said.

"Oh. Right." I say turning for the stairs.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for making Piper do that dare. I didn't think he'd enjoy it or anything. I'm sor-" I cut his speaking off by laying one on him. By that I mean a kiss. Only for him to push me off after a second. "Kate.... I have a girlfriend. I told you that. I thought you believed me when I said that." He sounded so crestfallen. "Why would?"

"Why would I kiss you? It's not like you're the one who basically socially saved me by being my friend when no one else wanted to. You got me back together with Reese, but it was obvious I had my eyes on you. Then you're first to come to talk to me after that.... I'm sorry... I... I'll just leave now." I blab.

"Yeah... Okay..." He says like he wasn't really there.

I turn to walk down the stairs.

"Umm... I guess I'll see you on Monday." I hear him whisper. So he would still talk to me after I kissed him? I hope that I didn't just ruin my friendship with him. He is a good friend, but he is so mysterious sometimes.

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