Chapter #27 John

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    Her face was the exact definition of shocked. But trust me, it didn't stay that way for long. Before I knew it, she was bombarding me with questions, and I was forced to answer each and every one of them, for she had my phone in her grasp.

"Are you really good friends?" She pressed, her face was a mix of worry and nervousness.

I sighed, but nodded, "yes, now are you done yet?" I motioned my head to her foot settle on my back, "this isn't the best way to be interrogated."

She glared at me, and stared back at the phone. "What would you do if I texted him?" She asked, "you wouldn't mind, right?"

"Don't you dare..."

But my warning was left aside, and she began to text my best friend, biting her lip as she went.

"He's going to ruin your innocence, you know," I groaned, "why don't you stop now?"

"I have my reasons."

      A quick huff of annoyance left my lips, and I began to realize that Blueberry had her as an exchange student.

     And that in one of the messages, he calls her hot!

     "Give me my phone please," I begged. "I won't bother you for the whole day, I promise!"

     She glanced down at me and smirked, "I know that, but I also know that other students might get targeted."

     I looked down, "oh come on, you make me sound like a villain..."

     I saw her roll her eyes at me, "Well, for someone who keeps on denying it, you sure sound like a one."

      "Okay," I tried to sound sincere, "then I will do anything you want! Okay?!" My voice got frantic, and The feeling of desperation came. I didn't want her to see that message...

     "You seem so frantic," she grinned, "Are you nervous about what I tell your little friend?"

     I shook my head by instinct, but immediately regretted that action, I'm just giving her closer hints to what I don't want her to see!

     She squinted, and I could see her thinking hard. Then she shrugged, "Okay, well anyway," she clicked one of the buttons on my phone screen and smiled, "it's sent."

     I let out a relaxed breath of air, and immediately thanked my good luck for her not finding out. Until I realized that I had no idea of what she had just texted my best friend. "What did you send him?!"

She grinned, "I just responded to his text," she told me innocently.

I wasn't going to buy that.

"And what did you say?" I growled, "I don't trust you, and the position that we are in isn't exactly the one I would trust you in either."

She cocked her head. "Fine, I'll tell you." She fiddled her fingers over my phone screen, and took a deep breath. "I simply told him that being angry about not being able to participate in the exchange student program doesn't make a person a baby."

    I raised my eyebrows, but didn't say anything. That was until my curiosity got ahead of me. "Wait," I mumbled, "your telling me that you haven't told him that it isn't me texting him?!"

     She nodded, and smirked, "was I supposed to say something different? I was defending your pride after all."

    I was about to respond, when another 'beeeeeep,' filled the air. We both stiffened again, and the magenta haired girl glanced at the phone.

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