Chapter #52 John

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My body stiffened and I let out a rather rushed breath out. The New Boston exchange students were coming to Wellston, and although a part of me was excited to see my best friend, the other side dreaded seeing my worst enemy.

'Why don't you just pummel that green braided girl into the girl? How's your chance.'

The thought of that made me grin, but immediately after, I thought about the trust I had achieved at Wellston.

Well, I was certainly better with Arlo, who had hated my guts at the beginning of my arrival. I remembered he had attempted to make me destroy school property, putting his dignity in danger as well. Too bad, we both had ended in trouble and been sent to a crazy forest, I bet that was exactly what he had been planning....

As for Seraphina... you could say we had a lengthy battle of hate. She had been fine when we had battled that old guy with fire, and we didn't despise each other at the hospital. Well, until I messed it up and tried to basically fight her, even with her injuries. It was kinda funny, I can still remember her face when I told her I was going to conquer Wellston. Our time after that had progressed, and we were now actually friends. I never thought I'd see the day,

If I was to beat up Claire, not only would I probably get in big trouble, I would lose both Arlo and Seraphinas trust. Besides, I had no doubt the headmaster would have my head if I tried destroying one of the New Boston students. They knew already my bad past with them, and would no doubt see this as an opportunity to throw me out.

Ugh, why do I actually have to think about my decisions before making them? Is Seraphina rubbing off on me?

     I couldn't even hear my footsteps over the voices that chattered, usually, when I was around, students would stay silent. Guess they didn't want to anger me, although now, I doubt they could care less. If only people from New Boston recognized me, that would be a funny sight...

    "Hey Raven head!"

    My head glanced over at the direction that the voice was coming from.


    My eyes furrowed at the name.




    I spotted the blue haired boy waving at me, practically jumping up and down. A big grin stretched on his face, and he waved his hands around, yelling. "There you are bud, didn't know when you'd see me!"

    I raised one of my eyebrows, but didn't ask. He was a strange one, that was all I could say.

     He strided over to me and clamped my shoulder, "Long time no see. You really haven't changed." He stuck his tongue out childishly, "Darn, you look even shorter than before."

    A frown crossed my face, and I rolled my eyes. "Just wait till I grow taller than you, Besides," it was my turn to nudge him on his shoulder. "You aren't all that tall either."

     We both gave each other knowing stares, and I waved him over as I began to walk away. "Well, I got a place to hang out to escape this madness." I pointed around to the students that filled the hallways, "Its silent over there."

      When we arrived, I opened the roof door, and walked over to one of the corners, sitting down. It was relaxing, and the sun was nice and pleasant to feel with the cold breeze. Blueberry sat right beside me, and he pulled out his phone.

"Hey, John," I felt a finger flick my forehead, and I frowned. "Have you started with the whole 'I'm going to conquer Wellston' thing? Back in New Boston, you were all over it, not to mention what you told me when talking to me in phone."

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