Chapter #53 Seraphina

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He just stopped.

There was no resistance when I tried to pull him back, away from the moment. He just fell back with me, moving away from his long time enemy. It was surprising yet satisfying to see, after all this time, he really had changed.

"John," the boy behind both of us, my exchange student groaned. Putting both hands on the side of his hips, he gave John a strange look, "Jeez dude, what's up with you lately? I can hardly recognize you anymore!"

The black haired boy simply shrugged, his eyes seemed to bore into Flints own, and he the blue haired boy flinched.

"Thanks John," I whispered, feeling the need to express my gratitude. After the whole fiasco with my arm, I really didn't want to deal with him, especially fighting wise.

He didn't respond, and he looked back at Claire, his eyes hardening. I could see her shiver, and turn around as she ran back to class. Putting a hand to my head, I remembered that I myself was late too.

"We need to head to class," I grumbled, crossing my arms and walking away from the two. Now that Claire was going back to her class, I wouldnt have to worry about these two. Well, at least John. I trust him a lot more than the smirking blue haired boy known as my exchange student.

And I seemed to cross my fingers in hope that Claire wouldn't be in any classes that John or Flint were in. Especially with how things went today, I don't exactly want to know what would have happened if I hadn't shown up.

   Letting a slow breath out, I looked over to my arm, trembling when I remembered what had happened. They had tracked me, and I had absolutely no idea what for. It was impossible for them to try anything while I was in Wellston, so I felt a soft layer of security fill me.

     "Hey Sera," the black haired boy ran up to where I was. He cocked his head to peer at me when I gave him a slow response. "Is your arm better?"

     He had seemed to have completely forgotten about the incident back at the hall, and I had no choice but to shrug. "Yeah, doc fixed it up. It shouldn't hurt anymore," I curled my fingers, flinching.

     Still not convinced, he put a hand to my shoulder, stopping me. "Sera," he told me softly, "Its obvious that you're hiding something, just tell me what it is."

     Looking around, I noticed that nobody else was in this hall, and I immediately regretted giving myself away like that so easily. Was it that obvious? Was I truly that bad at hiding things nowadays? "You want me to tell you what's going on?" I was still contemplating whether to tell him or not.

     Nodding vigorously, he gave me an exasperated look. "Jeez, yes, I do. You have helped me a lot y'know, it's the least I could for you. Besides," he gave me a nervous smile. "We are friends, remember?"

     He certainly seemed much more cheery, and I wondered what had changed his mood so drastically. I could tell him, although not giving him the whole ordeal, I could just give him a piece, and see what he'd make of it. "Well," I crossed my arms. "That night, when I was out, I saw a group of people. Curious, I wanted to see what they were doing. I was caught off guard, and they attacked me, somehow, they managed to sneak a tracking device on my hand, and something that stimulates pain."

    John's eyes widened, and he gave me a worried look. "What?! Is that why you were shaking in that corner? And why the window was open in the morning? You should have alerted me! I could've helped!"

     Sighing, I shook my head. "John, I didn't want you getting caught up in my problems, you are already dealing with enough. Claire coming to Wellston and all, I don't want to stress you." Rubbing my hand, I looked away, "Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

       He took both of my shoulders, spinning me around to fully face him. "No! Sera, you were able to deal with me when I was at my worst, you should know that I can help you too..." his eyes softened, and he let go. "Look, my past, the torment, lately, it's been a lot easier to deal with. And I think it's something to do with coming to Wellston and meeting you guys." He smiled, "You've helped me a lot Sera, let me return the favour."

     I was at loss for words at this, and took a deep breath, sighing. "Well, I truly am happy that you are feeling better with your past and all. Of course if you want someone to talk to, I'm obviously here." Looking away, I shrugged mindlessly, unsure of what to say to my injury. "As for me, I'm honestly fine, although if I need anything, I'll tell you."


     He nodded, grinning, "Welp, we should probably get to class, none of us want to get even more late." He glanced over to my hand, muttering a quick, "Tracked huh, that's pretty weird..."


     "Nothing," he waved his arms. "Well, I was just thinking." Leaning closer so that he was whispering in my ear, I could hear him better. "I was just thinking, what if that group you encountered was Ember, and you were just a vigilante wandering around." He backed away, sheepishly smiling. "I dunno, just a thought, first thing that came to my mind."

      Freezing, my breath hitched, and my eyes widened.


       I could imagine the man's face, constricted with anger and hatred as he stared at me. Easily, I matched that face with John's, the dark look making me shudder.

     'No!' I shook my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts. 'He doesn't hate you! He doesn't even know what you are!'

     "Uh, Sera?"

      Snapping out of my thoughts, I noticed the ravenette staring at me, cocking his head to the side. When I gave him an apologetic stare, he laughed, walking with me once again.

     "Wait." Giving me a teasing smile, he grinned up at me. "Seraphina? Are you a one of those vigilantes?"

       I knew it was supposed to be a joke, but I gulped, a shiver running down my spine. "N-no!" I gave him a weak stare, thing to convince myself that he would believe me.

        "Ha, I was just joking y'know. There no way you'd be one of those psychopaths running around mindlessly."

        Well that hurt.

         Clenching my teeth together, I nodded, I hadn't thought about what he had believed of them. And now that he had mentioned it, it hurt to know that he thought of me that way.

       'Psychopath, huh?'

       We were right in front of the class as we entered.


       The students looked up at us as we interrupted the lesson, appearing late.

       'I've been called worse.'

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