2 | rich criminal

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i sighed, frustrated. why did castiel always have to cause problems? i checked the angry texts on my phone and ignored them, deciding to deal with it later. i gathered up my papers and was prepared to leave my office in the warehouse, ready to get a good nights sleep.

until i heard a knock on the door.

"come in." i said, rolling my eyes and not hiding my annoyance. i slumped back into my seat. garth, one of our newer employees, nervously opened the door and peeked in before coming inside.

"um, mr. novak?" good. he knew to address me by my last name. anna trained him well then.

"yes, garth?" i twirled a pen in my hand and waited for him to speak up. such a mousey looking kid, you'd never expect him to work for someone like me. but i know better than to judge a book by its cover. the kid had some experience under his belt for sure.

"uh, i- i found this wallet while i was on lookout, and i was wondering if you... wanted it?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"a wallet? you've come into my personal office to inform me you've found a wallet?" he gulped.

"well, i just- i know you hate when we do anything without your permission, i didn't want to upset you-"

"save it, garth." i put a hand up and dragged out the syllables of my words. "just put the wallet on my desk and get out of here. and don't bother me for something so unimportant again." he nodded once and made a quick leave. jeez anna, you sure do know how to pick 'em.

i picked up the wallet out of curiosity. the tan leather was way too smooth, it had to have been fake. it was thin and there wasn't any kind of special design on it.

i opened it up, and the first thing i noticed was a driver's license. it was a young boy, looking maybe about sixteen in the picture. he had shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes, and he was smiling big with bright white teeth. i checked the birthday and it informed me he was turning nineteen this year. i looked at the name. samuel winchester. didn't really ring a bell. he sure was adorable though. i wondered if he aged well.

then it dawned on me. why not find out?

i opened my laptop back up. i didn't have anything else to do anyway, so i figured a little bit of research wouldn't hurt. i got to work looking for his bank account, social media profiles, anything i could find. which was easy since i had pretty much all the information i could ever need in his wallet. i hacked into his bank account so i could get his phone number, and i noticed that he had exactly $1.43 in the bank. and judging by the mere twelve or so dollars of physical change in the wallet, this kid wasn't doing so hot in the financial department. 

next i moved over to social media. i went to instagram first, figuring he might be active on there since he was part of the younger generation. i didn't have to dig very far though, before realizing he didn't even have an account. i moved over to facebook. i found his profile and immediately clicked to look on his profile picture. it looked more like what a nineteen year old would look like. his hair was still a little shaggy but it was moved out of his face. he had a serious look on his face and his brows were furrowed. he wore a hoodie with a jean jacket, all on top of a harley davidson t-shirt. oh yeah, this guy was hot.

i searched through a few more of his pictures. some were with a guy with shorter hair. he was tagged as dean winchester so i assumed he was a brother or something. but a good portion of his photos were selfies with this smoking hot blonde chick. she must've been a girlfriend. his information didn't specify if he was in a relationship or not, but no one in their right mind would spend that much time with a hot girl and not be with her. or at least want to be with her. 

i shut down my laptop once again and decided it was finally time to head home. i looked out the window and realized the sun would set soon, so i should probably hurry on my walk home. not that i was worried. i could handle any 'problem' that came my way easily. but i had a cat to get home and feed. 

i pulled the coat tighter around my body with one hand, my briefcase in the other. i looked both ways before briskly walking away from the warehouse. i made it out of the alley took a moment to appreciate the orange sunlight setting over the big city. i'll never regret moving here, no matter what kind of sacrifices it took. 

i started my way down the street, blending in with the other people easily. i walked for a couple blocks before i spotted the wall in the alley i told kevin to tag a couple days ago. i made a move to turn off so i could inspect his work. 

i noticed the other graffiti that was there before anything, though. i mean how could i not? it was in bright purple. the second thing i noticed was that it read "be gay, do crimes" which is easily the best graffiti i've ever seen in my life. that's basically my own personal biography. the third thing i noticed was that it was signed 'S. Winchester'. my mouth dropped open. like... samuel winchester? 

i walked closer, farther away from the busy street and sidewalk outside. i reached out a hand to trace the writing. some of it came off, which told me it was somewhat fresh. wait, samuel's facebook profile said he went to law school. why would a law student be vandalizing public property? 

when i finally tore my eyes away from the big purple words, i went over to do what i set out to do in the first place. the double A's were good, but the angel wings were a little muddy. kevin did this without a stencil, though, so i couldn't be too hard on him. he was one of my sneakiest workers, i had to give him credit. 

i snapped a picture of the winchester's art and continued on my way home. maybe there was more to this kid than what hacking could tell me.

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