8 | siblings

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the heels of my dress shoes clacked against the concrete as i made my way around the warehouse. it was fairly empty, my only company being the crates of illegally imported items stacked neatly against the wall. suddenly, the squeaky door opened and the sounds of sibling bickering filled my ears.

"cas! give that back you jerk!" i heard the high pitched voice of my little sister and saw a flash of her burgundy red hair as she rounded the corner.

"but picking on you is so much fun!" castiel retorted. he came around the corner as well and i saw that he had anna's purse and was holding it over his head and out of her reach. she was making pitiful attempts at jumping up to retrieve it. he had a satisfied smirk on his face. i sighed and put a sucker in my mouth as i continued to watch the two from afar.

i saw cas get the smug look wiped off his face when anna kicked him in the crotch. he winced and instinctively keeled over, dropping the purse. anna scooped it up and triumphantly pranced around him.

"told you i'd get it back!" she sang. cas got back up to his feet and anna ran away, knowing she was about to get tackled to the ground.

"get back here you dickwad!" castiel shouted as he began chasing anna around the warehouse. he had a slight limp from his injury and i had to stifle a laugh.

"alright guys." i intervened. "time to settle down." i turned around and saw that anna was about to seek refuge in my office. she swiftly closed and locked the door behind her and i was left with a defeated castiel pathetically banging on the door. "come on, buddy. you'll get her next time." i said teasingly as i gestured for him to move out of the way so i could unlock the door. he gave me a dirty look but obliged, and i used my key to get in my office. i saw anna was sitting on my office chair and spinning in circles.

"it looks nicer in here. is that a new painting?" she asked, slowing down in the chair and gesturing toward the painting i bought from sam yesterday that i had hung on the wall. i fought back a blush and nodded, noticing cas had followed me in. i saw them standing next to each other and couldn't help but be reminded of the fact that they were polar opposites.

anna had fiery red hair and big doe eyes. she wore sweaters and skirts with bright colors and honestly didn't look like she fit here at all. cas however, loved dressing up in spiky leather jackets and combat boots and merchandise from bands no one had ever heard of. he had dark hair that stood up in different directions and was always messy, and he had these piercing blue eyes that looked like frozen over lakes. anna's were a comforting dark brown. sometimes it was hard to believe they were twins.

"okay, so today's agenda goes like this: we just got a bunch of crates imported, we need to sort them all into different piles in the storage room. then we can take a break, go grab some lunch, and then come back here and take inventory. then you two idiots can go pester each other somewhere else. sound good?" i asked.

they both nodded and anna stood up. "let's get to work!" she said in a bubbly voice. cas rolled his eyes at her before following her out the door.

we worked hard for a good while. my other employees clocked in and we were done unloading crates by 11:30. i stretched my back, feeling bones pop satisfyingly. "who's ready for lunch?" i asked my siblings as i grabbed my keys.

"YES!" they both exclaimed simultaneously. "i love lunch." castiel said.

"well duh, everyone likes lunch." anna teased. cas replied by ruffling her hair.

we walked down main street trying to find a restaurant that looked appetizing. i felt my phone buzz in my pocket but i ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.

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