14 | sam's birthday

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i was up bright and early on saturday to get ready for sam's party. he said he was bringing dean as well as his best friend jessica, so i wanted to make a really good first impression for the people he cared about. even if dean did sound like a dick.

i said that i loved living alone, and that was still true, but whenever sam came over it always made me excited like a little kid. it was weird.

i spent my time tidying, putting up decorations, and making sure everything looked picture perfect. anna showed up first and helped me set up the table for the gifts, which was the final touch. then castiel came, and a few minutes later sam and jessica had arrived. i greeted sam with a quick peck on the lips before turning to jessica, who i could tell right off the bat was a sweet person.

"hi, you must be jessica. sam talked about you but he never mentioned how beautiful you are." i said truthfully as i shook her hand. she had gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes that could rival castiel's.

she chuckled lightly before replying. "i think we both know that sam's not the type." she joked.

"hey! i'm right here!" sam said in a fake offended voice, causing the three of us burst out into a laugh.

"wow, can't believe y'all are having so much fun without me." an unfamiliar voice rang throughout the room. i turned to see dean coming through the door standing next to cas, who presumably let him in.

"dean!" sam said excitedly. "i'm so glad you could make it!" he ran up to his older brother and pulled him into a quick hug.

"of course. it's not every day that my baby bro turns 19." he replied gruffly. sam smiled warmly at him before walking around to introduce him to everyone. sam mentioned to me earlier that dean had to look at an apartment today, so he'd either be late or unable to show. i had mixed feelings about the fact that the former turned out to be the case. i tuned in on what sam was saying, waiting for my turn to be introduced.

jessica's and anna's introduction went without a hitch. everyone was being polite and smiling. all was good until sam went to introduce dean and cas.

"dean, this is—"

"cas." my brother interrupted as he shook dean's hand and lingered for just a beat too long. "pleasure to meet you. how are you?" oh no. the first part to his favorite pick-up line. sam looked bewildered.

"f-fine?" dean said, confused. cas slapped his arm playfully and smiled. here it comes.

"no, silly, i didn't ask how you looked." castiel said as he winked at dean and smirked. dean's eyes went wide and i took that as my cue to step in to serve as some comic relief from the awkward situation.

"now, cassie." i said as i walked up behind my little brother, grabbing his wrist to try and pull him away. "what did i say about hitting on straight guys? come on, there's—"

"i'm not." i heard dean say. cas and i both stopped in our tracks and turned to look at him.

"what?" i asked, my eyes flicking to sam's, who looked concerned.

"i'm not... straight." he said, his cheeks growing red as he cleared his throat. now the room was dead silent and everyone was looking at him. dean was a walking straight stereotype, so no one was expecting him to be anything but. did sam already know?

while everyone else looked like they didn't know what to say and dean's face flushed the brightest red i'd ever seen on a human, cas's smirk only grew more mischievous. dear god, save us all.

suddenly, sam spoke up, effectively eliminating the tension. "anyway, dean. this is gabriel, my boyfriend."

dean turned to me, eager to relieve some of his embarrassment. "s'great to meet you." he rushed out, shaking my hand vigorously. "sammy never shuts up about you, it's good to finally put a face to the name."

big man in town | sabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant