CHAPTER 1: My patience is thinner than an autumn leaf

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"Summer Bella Jones! Get your ass down here in the next five minutes or else you'll have to kill your legs walking to school." My brother's annoying voice rings in my ears early in the morning. What the hell is the time? I'm sure I was just 5 minutes late. I turn on my left side to see what the time was on my alarm clock and... Holy shit!

It was 7.43 am.

There were only 17 minutes left for the first period to start and I wasn't even out of bed. I spring out of bed with a sudden urge to fly to school so as not to break my never-late-to-school record. You see, ever since I was little dad always taught me that we should value time. Time doesn't wait for anyone – so if you want to catch the train, be early or else you'll be left there hanging and thinking about what you'll do in life.

I'm really not in the mood of philosophy right now.

After a very quick shower and a huge power battle with my wind-wrecked hair, I walk out of the room in black leggings and my favorite Adidas sweatshirt. I see these 2 huge boys pacing around the living room like there was no tomorrow. Aaron was busy tying his shoelaces in the completely wrong way while shamelessly ogling at the Baywatch ladies in bikinis. Draven was shoving unnecessary stuff in his school bag while glaring at everything in his way – including the coffee table. And Jason was at the kitchen counter, calmly sipping on his usual black coffee while shooting daggers at me.

Oh shit.

"Hey, Jason. Beautiful morning, isn't it? Oh look, it's almost time. We should get going!" I say as I quickly snatch a pop tart that was lying next to him and run outside to the car. I hear Jason's loud and quick footsteps catching up to me and I force myself to run faster all the while screaming at Jason to stop. I reach the other side of the car and pant like a dog on a sunny day.

"Tired, Summer?" Jason asks in a calm tone. Of course, this fool won't be tired. He's the goddamn captain of the soccer team. But even I'm not less. I'm still working on my speed and endurance but I could play with this monkey any time soon.

"Shut up and drive. Where are these other losers at?" I ask while getting in the passenger seat of the car.

"Get out of the house you bitches. My car doesn't like freeloaders like you still it does carry you every single day. At least appreciate that and- "

"Fuck off, Jason. It's our car." Draven jumps in followed by Aaron.

"Great to see we all handle our sibling bond well," I mutter at the 3 idiots I have to live with. So if you probably haven't guessed by now, I have 3 monkeys – sorry, brothers staying with me. Jason the eldest and the calm one. He obviously got the smart genes as well as sports genes and handsome genes and-

You get my point – he's an all-rounder. I'm so jealous.

Then comes Aaron – bloody manwhore. Don't mind me, I'm just stating facts. The number of girls Aaron has slept with couldn't even be compared to the total amount of fingers I had on both my hands. And to make things worse, my own best friend has a freaking crush on him.

So he's handsome as well.

Draven. Where do I start with him? The 'gangster' in our school. Not literally though.

Although, I won't be surprised if he does turn out to be one.

Anyways, as I was saying, he was the gangster of our school. Angered easily, short-tempered and a huge man like Hulk. Are you getting the picture? Still, I don't understand how on earth girls get attracted to this huge... piece of crap.

I'm telling you if one of those girls hear my thoughts on my brothers, then sorry to say Summer Jones will no longer be a part of the world but will be divided and distributed among the walls of our high school.

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