CHAPTER 44: I desperately require a book on girl behavior

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Despite the previous night's thought-provoking events, my head still feels like it is being slammed into a brick wall repeatedly. I groan loudly and slide under my blanket, unable to even think of getting up for school.

"Wake up, sunshine. You don't wanna be late."

"Get...out...if you know what' for you." I mutter, the words barely hanging off my mouth. I wonder if he's even heard them or not. Either way, I do not care. All I care for is the one chance to spend the day holed up in my room, under my blanket for sure.

"Are you still drunk? How much did you drink?" A finger pokes me in the shoulder and I once again emit a whale-like groan from the annoyance creeping up on me. The blanket is suddenly ripped off of me and I pop open one eye to see Jason grinning.

"Had a good night?" He forwards me a glass which contains what looks like lemon water. Jason pulls me up and shoves the glass in my hands, not caring if it spills on my shirt.

Draven's shirt, technically.

I slowly sip on the bitter liquid and it slips down my parched throat. After drinking half of it, I somehow feel better but the headache still doesn't disappear.

"We have practice early morning. Get ready fast."

"I have to play soccer? In this situation?"

Getting out of bed seemed like an already difficult choice to make, but now even having to run around playing soccer? This day could not get more ridiculous.

"Did I tell you to go off and party? No. So get off that lazy ass because we leave in 20." After the order I just received, I drag myself towards the bathroom to get ready.

Fifteen minutes later, I finish chomping down on my toast and walk breezily towards the car. Wine was always something I could handle no matter how much I drank of it. I reckon my temporary hangover arose from the crazy amount of wine plus champagne that I had yesterday night, but luckily the effects did not last long.

"Why does Coach want to hold practice in the morning?" I ask and Jason shrugs as he puts the car into drive and honks twice for Aaron to come.

"Well, I'm guessing it has to do with the upcoming match. Remember?"

With all that has been happening ever since the last match we played against Silver Crown high, I have not even had a single memory of the upcoming matches for the season.

"When is it?"

"I'm not sure but the sports committee keeps changing the final dates. It was supposed to be three weeks from now but for some unknown reasons, it could take more than a month to decide."

"So if we still have time, why does he still want to make us practice?"

"For the last time, woman. I don't know." He rolls his eyes and I'm about to mutter something until the car door opens and Aaron gets in.

"Did you have your breakfast in peace, your highness?" Jason muses while gritting his teeth, glaring at Aaron through the rear mirror.

"Just drive." Aaron murmurs and fidgets around with his bag contents, not even bothering to look at us. Jason shakes his head as I look towards him for an answer but he just continues driving.

"What's up with you, gloomy face?" I turn to Aaron before focusing on the radio to hit up some music.


"Man period. Let's not talk about it." Jason shoots and smirks at Aaron's reddening face and clenched fists. As much as I would have loved seeing the two of them bicker, Aaron bites his tongue and chooses to glare at the window.

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