CHAPTER 49: I want to punch myself

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Caleb's POV


Blue eyes.


Blonde hair.


Dainty nose.

Okay, that's it.

I tersely stand and huff, knocking over the dumbbell stand in the process. I swipe my thumb across my eyebrows, wiping away the sweat, and walk towards my bathroom. Exasperated at my changing behavior over the past few days, I bang the door and lean on the glass washbasin.

Why am I still thinking about her?

I do have the answer to that question, actually, but as much as I hate to admit it, I'm afraid of that stupid answer.

I punch the side of the washbasin, grunting in slight pain as my knuckles turn bloody red. I'm annoyed at her reactions towards me. I messaged her several times since the day at the field when she berated me and then stormed out. On top of that, the girl goes ahead and thrashes Veronica black and blue.

She sure is my tiger.

What the fuck, Caleb?

I tug at my hair and groan, chagrined by my restlessness due to the fact that I have not seen her for almost two weeks now. I heard about her immediate suspension and I have no doubt her heart was swelling in pride, a little at least, given that she finally had her way with Veronica. Although, one thing that still disturbs me is wondering about why the hell Summer would jeopardize so much over locking horns with Veronica. What triggered Summer's feelings so much that she threw caution to the wind and decided to give Veronica's face a damn makeover? Well, I would surely get my answers tomorrow when I finally see her.

These last two weeks have been agonizing, to say the least. It was like waiting for someone after providing them respite to think of a proposition.

What was I waiting for? For her to come and break my nose?

Although, I would not entirely mind that.

God, you're going soft now. Moron.

I don't know how many times I've curbed the urge to just drive to her house, storm in her room and shake some sense into that girl. As much as I liked her, I know how stubborn and hot-headed she is. Those fiery blue eyes reprimanded me that day, for the wrong reason nonetheless. Blatantly, I was hurt by her accusation at me but I know where her feelings stem from. She's been so hurt that her mind conjures up the weirdest of things and she actually believes it.

Undoubtedly, I have the penchant to screw up everything in my life. But, if I just continue shutting my mouth and not bothering to take a step, I will lose that girl. I know that much.

Summer Jones is an enigma. When I first met her, I hated her with my gut. But her obstinacy, her temper, her strength, and ferocity are what pulled me in the first place. The way her mouth produces the most colorful language of all time obviously amuses me till date. I chortle slightly, reminiscing her words and assumptions with everyone. And that night when we escaped the party.

I finally kissed her.

And my, my, was I jovial at that. I wanted to kiss her ever since we got stuck in that ice cream shop she now works at. The way her rapture-blue eyes coruscated in the moonlight whenever she had her ice cream was just priceless. I could never get tired of staring into them. And when she arrived at my father's party...damn. She hated dresses and anything girly, but this was out of the ordinary. I don't think any other girl would have complimented well with that dress. She was perfect for it.

I sigh in angst, running a hand through my mussed hair and observing the image in my mirror. This was certainly not who I am. Even Noel discerned that. But I still liked my new personality. What did that girl even do to me?

In my possibly drunken stupor that day, I watched her walk away and I did not even do anything; I just stood there like an imbecile. The guilt had been eating away at me for several days and I wish there was something to dispel this terrible feeling away. But there was only one way to do that, I know.

I had to talk to her and tell her the truth.

Grow a pair of fucking balls and talk to her, man. Do you really think she'll listen to you and come demand an explanation? This is Summer we're talking about here!

Noticing my emotional pandemonium, Noel had taken up the responsibility to rebuke me for what my dumb ass did. He spent over half an hour babbling about how I've changed for the better and how I've started seeing better days all because of Summer. I would give him that – he certainly became a nagging mom that day.

Of course, Summer is not exactly the buoyant type of girl. No. She is ferocious, blunt, tenacious and strong-willed. The girl does not listen to anyone. But I know I have my ways to get her to listen to me. And they have to work, otherwise, I lose the one good thing I have in my life, the one thing that pushes me to my good side.

I take off my gym shorts and jump in the shower. The hot water cascades over my shoulders and down my back smoothly, calming my nerves and relaxing my tightened muscles. I sigh in relief and determination as well, eager to get a jumpstart to tomorrow since I can finally talk to Summer.

I've had enough of pushing people away. If my parents are screwed up, that does not mean other people are also selfish. I trust Summer and I confided in her that other day. The ease I felt after that day is unexplainable but I did like it and I decided that I don't want any other person to listen to me. Just her. Because she actually listened with her heart and understood why I acted so mean to her beforehand.

Suddenly feeling dead set on and exhilarated to have sorted my feelings out, a flicker of a smile lights up my lips and the thought of talking to Summer excites me to a point where I feel giddy.

Oh god. I want to punch myself.

Next thing I'll know is that I will be playing dolls with my little sister, Lucy.

Monday, where are you?

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