CHAPTER 35: This boy is the trigger to my asphyxia

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I never knew Caleb Anderson and I being in a ladies' washroom together and alone would be termed off as a minor affair by my mind. I guess it just became accustomed to seeing Caleb everywhere I go. And as it is my innate talent to push people away, I took upon that action and decided to just ignore his random invasion in a washroom he clearly doesn't belong to, and make a run for it. I'm pretty sure I can bypass him this time.

Abandoning the thought of cleaning up the rest of my face, I walk past Caleb only for him to block my way like a bulldozer.

A huge, very built, bulldozer. Accompanied by some drool-worthy biceps nevertheless.

I make a mental note on getting my brain activity checked upon. Although taking into account the past few weeks, it will only register one name.

"What are you doing here, Caleb?" I wonder how I just got those words out considering I'm a few inches away from him. His cologne hits me right in my senses and I struggle to not close my eyes and fully inhale it. It's definitely milder but better than Jason's. My forehead reaches his chin and I notice how abnormally tall he actually is compared to me. I continue staring at the silver chain he had around his neck while his hot breath still fans my face which is probably as red as a spring rose by now.

"Are you upset? With me?" I'm taken aback by how calm his voice is. But when I look up, his jaw is clenched and his eyes are stuck on the wall behind me. Giving up after a few seconds, I sigh and take a step away from him. That still doesn't bring back his gaze at me.

What is wrong with me? I have a problem when he looks at me with those intense eyes and now I also have a problem when he doesn't?

Talk about split personality disorder.

"I'm talking to you, Summer." My eyes slightly widen at his scary, calm voice as he again invades my personal space and stands inches away from me. I gulp, trying to remember words to construct a coherent sentence. Am I upset with him?

I don't know.

"You do realize this is a place where you're not supposed to be, right?" I cross my arms, ignoring his question and trying my best to look unaffected.

"Of course. The famous ignoring. Okay. Maddie said you'd be here. And that you're angry at me. So, being the nice person I am, I came here to check on you."

As if on cue, my phone dings and I see a message from Maddie.

Mad hatter: Don't be angry... just sort it out with Caleb. The guys took Spencer out so you have all your time with your prince charming!!!!

I sigh at all the exclamation marks plus her overuse of heart emojis. I quickly stuff my phone in my pocket before Caleb had a chance to see that my best friend had already planned our wedding in her head.

"Right. You know what? I am upset. What the hell got into your head for you to come all the way here knowing that Spencer and I were coming here too?" Even if he was hurt, he didn't show it one bit. Instead, he yelled even more.

"That's not the point! You, of all people, came on a date with a guy you barely know. So, tell me what the hell got into your head that brought you here with him?"

"Why does the fact that I'm on a date with a random guy matter to you?! Can't you just mind your own goddamn business for once?" By now, I'm fuming at his ability to dodge all my questions and throw his own at me. I just hope that no one has the urge to visit the washroom.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now? You sound ridiculous!" His grey eyes widen with every sentence that comes out of his mouth but I still don't budge. In fact, I respond with an even angrier reply and lots of glares.

It's a Love-Hate relationshipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz