CHAPTER 52: My rap sheet will state fratricide

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Dedicated to @HotLasagna for lovingly voting and commenting on each and every one of the chapters with her hilarious comments!! Seriously, thank you so much. And to all the readers as well, I freaking love you all for supporting this book so much :)♥

Note: Fratricide is the killing of one's brother. 😂😂

Rap sheet is a person's criminal record.

Okay, read on.


I always thought that my violent nature might as well land me in jail at least once, for a while. It's not that I think of myself as murderous, no, but considering I thrashed a girl – actually, the school's biggest contributor – my theory might just come true. Into the bargain, I'm conjuring up a plan to break into the Coach's office and steal the records.

No, borrow.

Yeah, I'm just borrowing the records and trying to prove my brother innocent.

As simple as that.

How I wish it was like that.

Caleb and I are currently seated on the bleachers, waiting for Jason to come as I messaged him a few minutes back to come and meet me urgently.

"Would you stop?" Caleb sighs and asks me, giving me a bored look.

"Stop what?" I snap.

"This." He points towards my bouncing knee and I place my sweaty hand on it.

"Are you nervous?"

"Me? Nervous? For me, no. For Jason, yes. This is an exciting thing to do and I'm all down for it." I smack my lips and give him a tight-lipped smile.

"Uh-huh. I believe you." He rolls his eyes and stands. "You're clearly panicking."

"You know," I stand as well and say, "panicking burns a shit ton of calories."

He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. "Who even says that?"

"Me. Now."

Caleb rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the bleachers. "Come on, we are taking a walk to calm your nerves before Jason comes."


Both our heads whip towards Jason, who has a scowl etched on his face and a bemused gaze stuck on mine and Caleb's hands. I pull away from Caleb, much to his dismay, and take careful steps towards my enraged brother.

"Hey, Jason." I muster a grin and wave at him.

"Why did you call me here? And what is he doing here?"

Uh oh. Hostility much?

"I'm here to save your ass," Caleb says, putting his hands in his pockets, and narrows his eyes at Jason.

Jason laughs out bitterly before turning towards me, "What the hell is he talking about?"

Moment of truth, Summer.

"Remember how you got stuck in this case of drugs and got kicked out of the soccer team?"

"Vividly." He rolls his eyes and retorts.

"Well, Caleb and I may have a way of getting you out of this mess."

"Hold on a second. You and Caleb? Together?"

"Mm-hmm." I close my eyes and nod.

"Why would this dick be helping you to save me? Unless he and Veronica have something up their sleeve." He glares at Caleb who also balls his fists at Jason's remark.

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