Chapter 1: New Day

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(Y/n)'s POV


That red, thick liquid had me reminiscing about my tragic childhood past. It reminded me of the time when I've seen a sight that totally traumatised myself. At that time, I was on my way to my house like a normal elementary student.

I stood there, frozen from what I've witnessed. In front of me were my parents, their bodies weren't moving an inch. They were on the ground, blood was flowing out from their own bodies. My legs were shaking uncontrollably and I found myself kneeling down in front of my parents' corpse.

"Mom? Dad?" I looked at them, hoping they would respond.

But there was only silence.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks. I don't know what happened to them. Everything was unexpected. I can't recall anyone ever hating my family. They were so kind, who would do this to them?!

I heard the door being kicked open. A bunch of heroes and police officers entered with guns raised up.

"I found a kid here!" a police shouted. I hid my eyes underneath my hair and balled my hands into a fist. My emotions were scattering inside my mind and I couldn't keep them pacified.

"Hey kid, you alright?" one of the heroes came close to me. At the moment he touched my wrist I had activated my quirk. He shouldn't have done that. The man flinched and the palm of his hand turned into a dark shade of brown.

"Woah kid! We're not here to cause harm. We are here to get you to safety," a hero with orange coloured hair spoke. I gritted my teeth in anger and faced them. All of them looked alarmed as some of the police raised their weapons towards me.

'That's right. Be scared.'

"Why didn't you save them?" I asked. The hero signalled the police to lower their weapons. Then he turned his attention to me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

My blood boiled in anger, I couldn't control my anger anymore.

"I SAID, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE THEM?" as soon as those words left my mouth, I lunged myself towards the hero. We both fell on the ground and I could hear the hero's screams ring in my ears. Some parts of his costume started disintegrating, I grabbed the exposed part of his skin and held on to it. His skin turned darker and blood started seeping out of his skin.

And then it finally hit me. Why was I attacking this innocent person? Why am I hurting him?

My hands lost its grip on the hero. I was carried away from him as he stared at me with frightened eyes. Suddenly, I felt really tired. I couldn't move my legs or any part of my body. I tried my best to move my head to the side. It wasn't long before I realized that I was injected with a drug.

Then everything went black.


It was Monday again. The most exciting day. Just a short reminder, I was being sarcastic. I hate Monday because it's the day when the doctors would perform another one of their experiments on me. I had a really dangerous quirk, said by the people in the asylum.

Yes, I live in a mental asylum. I'm all locked up in a padded cell but I don't feel bad for it. In fact, I'm used to it. I'm used to everything that is happening in this asylum. All the drugs, experimentation and the awful food. Basically, I consider it normal.

Now I know what you're asking, why am I in a mental asylum? Well it was a short story, I lost control of myself and started attacking people for no reason. And when I woke up I happened to be in this asylum, no biggie.

The large metal door opened, revealing a petite doctor. She was the doctor who often visits me in the morning.

"(Y/n), time for breakfast," she said. I got out from my bed and followed her. My wrist was itchy but I couldn't scratch it due to a pair of anti-quirk bracelets I have. It's a thing that the doctors placed on my wrist when I first entered my padded cell.

We entered the canteen filled with mental patients. Most of them were now seated on the chairs. I went in line with the other patients and took a tray. While waiting, I could feel the gazes of people behind my back. Feeling my anxiety bubble up, I kept my head down to avoid any interaction. The canteen lady scooped out some vegetables and placed an apple on my tray. I quickly went to the water dispenser and filled up a cup with cold water.

The tables were mostly occupied, I looked around to find an empty seat and found one right at the very edge of the cafeteria. It was away from the crowd, which was okay. I headed there and placed down my tray. Before eating, I looked at the patients. A frown made its way to my face, they all look dull than normal.

My eyes landed on my food. It must be the drugs that they keep taking. Normally, the patients here would talk with each other but now only a few were chatting. You see, the workers in the canteen started to place our medical drugs in our food. They thought it would be an easier way rather than doctors visiting the patients in their cells.

I got no choice, the doctors hate it when we don't eat our food. I'm used to it anyway. I picked up my spoon and scooped up a spoonful of vegetables. I started to chew it, there was a bitter taste and I assumed that it was the medical drugs. I quickly gulped down my food, It's my way of finishing my food when I don't like it. The food gave some side - effects on me, like a headache and the feeling of nausea. Luckily, I didn't puke out my food like last week.

When I was about to place the tray to the counter, there was an ear - piercing scream that reverberated around the canteen. It made everyone's heads turn to the large door. The door bursted open and a female with messy blonde hair entered. She was in a straightjacket and a bunch of doctors and guards trailed behind her.

The guards pinned her down and one of the doctors injected something on the girl.

"Let me go!" soon, she stopped squirming and her body stopped moving.

'Wait a minute, is that...' I looked closely to the girl's arm. My eyes widened. She had been injected with the sleeping drug. The guards and doctors carried her away from the canteen, leaving everyone shocked, including me.

I've never seen anyone like that for so long. That girl was really scary.


Heyyy! It's the author. So uhhh, this book has been published and unpublished so many times because of some errors. But this time, I think the book is okay. I rewrote the missing chapters of this book and edited the other remaining chapters.

Updates are slow because of unamazingness and busy days. Peace!

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