Chapter 16: On my Way

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Note: So this chapter contains the bloodier scenes. Don't say I didn't warn you cause I did three times. Be careful people!


Keigo's POV

(Y/n) wasn't at the park or the apartment. I've been worrying about her ever since she disappeared. I kept pacing back and forth in the living room, pondering about the possible locations that she may go.

'What if she got kidnapped by some villains?' It could be possible. Ever since All Might's retirement the crime rates increased and more villains started showing up. But who could possibly kidnap her? I was worrying too much about her that I couldn't think properly.

I scrolled through my phone, searching for any useful information on the Internet. Well, I could've just used Google instead but YouTube crossed my mind first. My fingers accidentally clicked at a newsreport video that lasted to 3:45 minutes. The video was entitled: "Fire at a Mental Asylum" with a thumbnail of a burning building.

The video loaded and a young news reporter talked about the burning mental asylum behind her. Several patients got out of the building with their clothes tattered and burned. There were even small children that were with them. I pitied them, those patients shouldn't suffer such a traumatic event, mostly the children.

Another news reporter came in and started talking about the missing patients.

"The police are still trying to search for two more patients. One had a dangerous quirk and one can copy someone else's appearance. According to Doctor Hirayama, the owner of the mental asylum, patient (l/n) (y/n) has a radioactive quirk that can harm the people around her. Anyone close to her must take caution. The second missing patient is Toga Himiko, she's mentally unstable and is carrying a weapon with her. Both of these people are perilous. Locals are suggested to stay in their homes at night for safety," as soon as the lady finished, the video came into an end.

I wasn't sure if my ears were deceiving me. (Y/n) is a mental patient?! She looked so normal, why would she be in a mental asylum? I settled my phone down on the table and thought for a while. I never saw (y/n) hurt anybody. In fact, she looked like she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Are they just making her look bad on the public?

I don't care, mental patient or not, I'm still saving her. But I seriously have a lot of questions inside my mind. I took my phone, a flashlight, and a snack bar just in case if I ever get hungry. I decided to search the park again, it was pretty dark and lonely. All I had as a company was the moon and the streetlamps.

The night was cold and silent. I have to say, this park is creepier when it's already night hours. I headed to the place that I didn't search yet, which is the forest of the park. I used the flashlight and began to fly through the dark forest.

"(L/n)-chan!" I shouted, hoping to hear her reply. My voice echoed in the forest, the echoes slowly disappeared and silence greeted me. The park was already out of view as I flew deeper into the forest. I pointed my flashlight to various directions, and all I could see were the tall trees that were encircling me.

This place looks like it came from a horror movie...

'Maybe flying above could help,' I landed to a random tree as I searched for a person or any living creature. The view was better from above but I still can't sense anyone in the forest. I flew to another area, hoping to find someone.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was running for my life. It was a struggle for me to see cause the whole building was dark. Every 1 minute, I stumble upon random things and in return I got scratched by the knee when I accidentally hit something.

I used my hands to navigate my way towards the asylum. I don't know what floor I am in or where I'm going. The only thought I had in mind was to escape. My mind was put in ease when I saw the glimmering light of the moon above me. The ceiling had a crack but I'm afraid I won't be able to escape there.

"Hi (y/n)-chan~" my stomach dropped. I can see Toga's figure just a few meters away from mine. Surely, she was grinning at me while pointing her knife to me.

'How did she find me?!' I turned around and ran away from her. I was purely shocked that she could find me so quickly. Did she have a quirk that lets her find a person? Looking back, I can see her dashing towards me in light speed. I forced myself to run faster to another direction, hoping I could lose her.

I opened a random door and hid in there. The room was even darker and stuffy. I bumped into another thing which I presumed was a sack filled with garbage. Well, I just presumed it was just a sack but no, it wasn't.

I tripped on something again and I felt like I just got dipped in mud, but colder. A light suddenly hits my eyes, causing me to squint in irritation. But then I noticed something, when the light illuminated there was the flashlight and as I looked further down I almost puked out my lunch. The scene right in front of me was more than horrifying. I was bathing in blood, it wasn't mine but the blood came from a person with no head. Blood just gushed out of the person's neck. The metallic scent made me cover my nose and mouth.

I was panicking so much that it led to hyperventilating. Picking up the flashlight I just stepped on, I turned it off to avoid attention. I can't get the image out of my mind. The corpse, the blood, everything. I could feel my chest tighten, I felt like I was going to die due to a panic attack. Placing a hand to my chest, I took deep breaths to calm myself.

Breathing helped me sustain my sanity. The doctors always do this when I go into a panic attack. When I finally got enough oxygen to breathe, I stood up and turned on the flashlight. I forced myself not to look back because of the fear that I might panic again. The light illuminated the room, revealing boxes stacked together and some burned medical supplies.

Most of the boxes I've opened were empty, the workers must've saved it before it got burned by the fire. Then, there was one box that I took. It was heavy so there must be some weapons that I could use.

I was so wrong about opening it.

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