Chapter 15: Psychotic Girl

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Note: This chapter doesn't contain much violence and bloody scenes but the other following chapters might contain blood and gore. I'm just gonna warn you for the third time on the next chapter.


Keigo's POV

After finding my phone, I went back to the spot where I left (y/n). The park was near to empty and we had to go home before 5:00.

"(L/n)-chan?" I looked around the park. The bench by the cherry blossom tree was empty.

'Where did she go?' I stared at the bench to see if she had left anything.


I told her to stay put, did something happen to her? Feeling my panic rise, I looked at everything in the park.

"Uhm, excuse me but have you seen a girl around here? She's wearing a (f/c) outfit and she has (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." I approached a random civilian.

"No, I'm sorry," the random man said as he walked away.

'Cr*p, where could she be?'

(Y/n)'s POV

My head hurts, it was like I got hammered by a boulder. The ringing in my ears subsided for a while but the pain never went away.

Opening my eyes, I did an attempt to move. To my shock, I was tied up with something. Being tied up just triggers my merinthophobia.(Fear of being bound or tied up)

I was desperate to escape that my wrist started to hurt because of the thing tied around me. There was a creaking sound, like a door. My heartbeat accelerated and I was sweating too much. I don't want to stay in this place. I want to escape.

"It's nice to see you again (y/n)-chan!" an unfamiliar feminine voice said.

A candle was lit up, causing the room to illuminate. Just seeing the room felt like I was in hell.

'No, this can't be real!' I tried convincing myself that I'm not in the place I loathed. But sometimes your wishes can't be given by reality. I am back in the mental asylum. The building that was burned down by a massive fire, and the building that had given me misery.

I looked at the person holding the candle and my whole body went frigid. She's a patient from the mental asylum, the one that got tranquilized!

"W-who are you and how do you k-know my name?"

She didn't answer and only gave a laugh as a response. The way she smiles sent back the memory when I saw that person from the crowd grinning at me. The way they smile looked exactly the same.

"I see you don't know me yet, I'm Toga Himiko. I'm the daughter of the family that your parents failed to save," she stressed the word 'failed' with anger.

"Wh-what?" I was really confused right now. What did she mean by failed to save? My parents weren't heroes, they were just... doctors. My father was a surgeon while my mother was a dermatologist.

'Did she mean-'

"Let me explain it to you. on a very unfortunate day, Toga's mother got cancer, her mother got very ill and she was forced to go to the hospital. On the day of her surgery, (y/n)-chan's father tried to save her but he said it was too late. Toga and her dad didn't believe it but as they went in, they saw Toga's mom all lifeless. After that, Toga's dad got a skin disease and so they went to (y/n)'s mother. She said there was no cure for the disease and only gave them medicine to stop it temporarily. Sadly, when dad was driving he met a horrible end and he wasn't able to see her daughter once more. So Toga decided to take revenge by killing (y/n)-chan's parents. The end!" she grinned like a child getting excited about a play.

What does she think of this situation? Some sort of game? Did she kill my parents just because they can't save her family?!

"M-my family did what they can to save your parents!" I snapped at her. My fear was replaced with anger, if only I didn't have these quirk handcuffs. I could just latch unto her and throw her out of this building!

"Oh, no no no no no no, what your parents did wasn't enough. They could've saved my parents if they knew more, I'm still mad at them for that. But now that I saw their beautiful daughter covered in blood I think I can finally let out my stress," she took out something from her pocket.

'God this can't be real,' Toga pulled out a knife, its sharp end triggered another one of my phobias that I hated - Aichmophobia. I violently trashed around, hoping to break the rope that was preventing me to escape.

'No, please don't!' closing my eyes shut I awaited the pain that I will be experiencing. For a second, I felt the knife slide through my right cheek. Then a sharp sting followed. Toga laughed like a maniac but her laughs slowly subsided. I heard the door close shut.

I opened my eyes again to see the candle sticking by a table. There was a wet feeling at my cheek. It glided down to my clothes and I panicked even more at the sight of blood. My own blood.

'I have to get out of here!' It's a miracle that I didn't faint yet even when three of my phobias are attacking me. I observed the padded cell to look for any object that can help me to escape.

The cell didn't have much, just a table with a candle, a bed burned by the fire, and me tied on a chair. Screaming won't be a help for me, although the asylum was burned down there are other sound - proof cells that are capable of withstanding destruction. I know that because I tried screaming out for help on the first time I arrived at my padded cell.

'All the cells here are soundproof! That means no one can hear anything from outside,' an idea blossomed in my mind about how to free myself. I just hope that psychotic girl won't come back here. I twisted my hands, trying my best of slip it out of the rope. It was painful but not as painful as being hit by an object in the head.

It took me 5 minutes to free my left hand, my wrist got this red marks because of the tight rope. I dragged me and the chair towards the table. It caused too much noise but at least I can't be heard outside. Grabbing the candle, I stared at it, already feeling regret in what I'm going to do. I slowly placed the fire of the candle to the rope. As soon as the fire spread to the rope I quickly squirmed my hand to set it free.

I threw the burning rope and looked at the rope tied around my torso. I'm so gonna be traumatised by this...

I placed the candle to the rope and moved it up and down to burn it. The flame burned a bit of my clothes, causing me to squirm even more. Thanks to my squirming, I was able to free myself.

"Oh (y/n)-chan! Guess who's back~"

I panicked and quickly tossed the chair aside as I blew off the candle and hid in the darkness. I could hear the light footsteps that Toga was making. Each step that she made gave me anticipation. If only this cell had a hole for me to jump off and escape. As soon as I felt Toga go in the cell, I quickly dashed from behind and out of the cell. I was lucky that she didn't notice me yet, but I don't know if my luck can last long.

I'm just gonna hope that Keigo is starting to look for me...

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