Chapter 16: An Accident Carved With Intention

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Kanna looked up at the clear blue sky. She could see it through a tiny crack in the wood that had fallen on her face. She wasn't sure how much time had passed or how she had come to roll over and turn her head up towards the heavens. Maybe it had been a reflex in her stupor—to try to glance at the Goddess, to see if death had come yet.

But there was dust caught in her throat and there was the faint smell of smoke wafting into her nostrils. There was the pain of residual shock radiating. She was still in a human body.

With less effort than she had expected, Kanna lifted half of that body up out of the rubble and felt the shattered fence pieces shedding off her like an outer skin. She winced. More than anything else, the side of her ribs hurt because it was where she had slammed against the console—and fallen hard on top of the brake lever—but at least this meant that she had accidentally tamed the runaway beast that had dragged her down the hill.

She was sitting motionless in the truck, in the middle of a weedy garden. A few trees hovered overhead, and they looked old with thick trunks. Through some miracle, Kanna had not driven straight into any of them. Instead, she had drifted into a path of tangled vines that seemed eager to consume her.

Just as she had a few times in the days before, she didn't feel completely at one with her body. It felt awkward to move her limbs and brush off the debris and reach for the door. She did notice, though—as she jostled the handle and her sleeve fell back to remind her of the cuff—that the shocks were absent. Goda was then certainly nearby.

Her instinct was immediate upon that realization. She let go of the finicky handle and tried to lift herself up high enough to see over the driver's side door. Her eyes fell immediately on the gash that she had blown into the fence. It let in light and dust from the outside like a wide open gateway.

Standing in the gateway was the shape of Goda Brahm. Her bare arms were covered in sweat and dirt. Her stance was stiff, like she was in the middle of a burst of motion, but had stopped momentarily. The fire of the sun was in her eyes. Kanna thought she saw smoke coming out of Goda's nose and mouth, but she wondered if it was just the dust that had billowed up from the wreck.

As soon as Goda spotted her and their gazes had fused, the woman cut her way down the messy trail that Kanna had mowed through the yard with the truck. The footprints she pressed into the sandy dirt looked too hard and deliberate and straight compared to the zigzagging of the path slashed through the weeds.

Scared out of her mind, Kanna dashed to retreat across the seats, until her back had crashed against the passenger door. It pressed hard against a sore spot in the back of her ribs, but she didn't care. Her hand twisted around behind her to try to open the door, but she realized suddenly that it was pressed on another section of fence and wouldn't budge.

Goda came up to the side of the truck. She ripped open the driver's door. Before Kanna could react, Goda reached inside and grabbed Kanna by the front of her robes and threw her out so roughly that she fell onto the ground face-first with a thud. Her clothes collected some threads of the vines on the way down and they slowed her fall slightly, but they also pricked her on the legs.

Once the wind had come back into her lungs, Kanna jerked around and looked up at the giant who was now fiddling around underneath the console. "Hey!" she croaked out, sitting straight up, the anger overriding her fear once again. "You can't treat me like this! I don't care who you think you are! I don't care if you're bigger than me, you can't—!"

Goda turned around momentarily and lifted her boot. Kanna recoiled, but Goda was faster, and her foot landed at the dead center of Kanna's sternum. She didn't kick. She merely pressed the sole of her boot hard against Kanna's chest and pushed her back into the ground. It wasn't painful, but the gesture did nothing to stifle Kanna's rage.

Goda's Slave (Lesbian, Dystopia, LGBT Fantasy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن