Chapter 25: Memories of the Future

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The voice had been faint, but her mind had reacted as if she had heard her own name instead of Goda's, and so she had opened her eyes to the void.

Kanna's face was still pressed to the giant's chest. It rose and fell with the waves of a deep slumber, and the outbreath filled Kanna's nostrils, so that even the smell of the leaves and dirt around her seemed tinged with Goda's essence.

Sleepily, she lifted her head up to gaze down at the face beneath her, at what little she could see of it in the moonlight. She regretted it a second after; she felt her chest seize up; she judged herself for her own reaction.

Kanna pressed her hand to the side of Goda's face.

"You're soft...," Kanna whispered, though Goda did not stir, because she had said it so quietly that she almost couldn't even hear herself. "All this time, I've barely seen more than the hard side of you. I've turned you into a monster."

It was true that seeing the violence in Goda still excited the violence in Kanna, but Kanna couldn't help feeling like there was other energy dancing between them, too. She wanted to explore this much more than the landscape of the continent.

But would they even have the time?

Kanna reached into Goda's robes and hooked her fingers over the collar of her shirt. She pulled it down until she could see the swell of Goda's small breast, and she dipped her head and opened her mouth against it, pressed her teeth lightly into the flesh. She tasted the skin of the hard muscle that spread out underneath, and she tasted the skin of the softer curve that lay to the side of it.

She didn't bite deeply, but she was still surprised that Goda did not wake up.

Even now, I try to provoke you, don't I? Kanna thought. I want you to take me by the throat and force me as much as I want you to softly press your mouth to my neck. I want both. I want all of it.

A naked savage and a gardener planting flowers. A devil and a messenger of God. A woman and a man.

But would Kanna ever have the chance to uncover what lay beneath all this duality? Would Goda ever have the chance to uncover Kanna's secrets, too?

The voice called again. It had grown more urgent.

"Goda...! Goda, what did you...?"

They were Priestess Rem's words, but it no longer sounded like her voice.

Kanna pulled away from the giant, and though the dry leaves on the ground rustled with her movements, Goda still had not arisen from her own deep slumber. Goda lay there so limply that for a short, irrational moment, Kanna imagined that her giant had died.

Kanna shook her head. Even in the low light, she could see the warm breath flowing out into the air from those huge lungs.

"Goda, what did you do? What did you do? Goda! Goda!"

The voice was screaming its accusation, but it was coming from so far away, that Kanna still had to strain to hear it. She turned her head up, past the boulders around them, past the shaking leaves, over to where the voice seemed to be coming from. She looked at the opening of the shrine high up on the crag. The moonlight didn't reach past the threshold; the darkness inside of it looked endless.

But when Kanna stood up and gazed back down at Goda, she murmured, "Maybe you're content to lay back and let fate destroy what little happiness I've discovered buried in the dirt, but you know by now that I'm never content with anything. If you won't bring me to the answer, Giant, then I'll find it myself and save us both."

* * *

The path up the cliff-side was hard to navigate without Goda to lead her. Because it was dark and the trail was littered from disuse, she tripped a few times on weeds and small rocks, and she very nearly slid over the edge. As she made her way up higher, though, she grew more careful. She crouched a little and was mindful not to hurry because she could hear the pebbles that she had kicked up echoing as they poured the long way down.

Goda's Slave (Lesbian, Dystopia, LGBT Fantasy)Where stories live. Discover now