Chapter 17: A Paradise of Strangers

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Kanna sat in the driver's seat of the motionless truck, staring out the dusty windshield and towards the back door of the house. She did not know how much time had passed. She had not gone inside again. Instead, she had contented herself with sitting stuck amongst the vines, feeling oddly comforted by the confines of the fence around her, because she found the idea of being housed with the giant too threatening to who she had become. She tried to imagine herself in an actual room with an actual bed alone with Goda. The image disturbed her as much as it pleased some more primitive side of her.

So when the shadow of the giant appeared in the doorway, she wondered if she had called it out with her own perverse thoughts. Kanna recoiled momentarily. She was able to control this display of weakness soon enough, though, and she stared straight into her master's face with as much dignity as she could muster.

The woman's hair was wet. Her clothes were dry.

"You bathed," Kanna said after a moment. She had grown so used to seeing Goda sauntering around naked outside, that it hadn't occurred to her that Goda could wash herself indoors. It seemed too mundane and civilized and out of sync with the usual ritual—but then perhaps it was only that Kanna wanted to see her body again.

Goda ignored the comment and appeared to scan the yard as she moved. Some of the sky was blocked out by the taller trees, but some of it wasn't, and the spaces between the branches allowed spots of sun to highlight luggage that Kanna had left on the ground.

"I'm waiting here," Kanna explained, even though Goda had not asked, "for my punishment." She said it without thinking, but she found that she didn't disagree with herself, either.

Goda laughed dismissively, turning away as if the comment had simply been a frivolous joke.

Kanna clasped her hands hard around the steering lever. The wheels beneath her creaked a little in response. "Well, it's only fair, is it?" she said, following Goda's movements with her eyes, watching to see if any of her words had changed the woman's posture. "I stole your truck and ran it down a hill and crashed it into a fence. I deserve a punishment—and that Middlelander woman who is hosting us made it sound like it was uncouth for you to deliver it inside. Either way, I don't want to sit in that house with you in some boring little room with a quaint little side table between our rocking chairs, pretending that we're happily married. So I stayed out here and waited for the monster to come back out." Kanna looked Goda dead in the face. "Punish me."

Goda tipped her gaze up finally. "You want me to hit you."

"Yes. That's what I want. If you do nothing else for me, do that: treat a slave like a slave."

Goda crossed the yard, past the luggage that Kanna had refused to bring into the house, over the jagged skid marks in the gravel, up to the open doorway of the truck. Her face was so empty and serious that Kanna had to fight not to jerk away, to take back what she had asked for. Goda raised both her hands and Kanna flinched because she saw that they were aiming for her face.

Her eyes closed on their own in an immediate reflex, so she did not realize Goda's intention until she felt a pair of large hands pressing softly to either side of her cheeks. Her eyes snapped open in astonishment. She looked up at Goda, who was wearing a faint smile, an expression that held no judgement and no interest. Kanna could barely tolerate it.

"You have a mouth that will cause you trouble one day. It endlessly complains, and weaves elaborate lies, and asks for things that you don't really want."

Kanna stared into Goda's face defiantly, even through the surprise. "You say that, but you like that mouth of mine, don't you? You found your way inside of it last night."

Goda's Slave (Lesbian, Dystopia, LGBT Fantasy)Where stories live. Discover now