Chapter Five-Too Deep

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Chapter Five

Too Deep

*Bucky's POV*

I'm in way too fucking deep.

After hearing her tell the story of her mom's murder, I thought at least now we have another angle. Paul was already in a pile of shit, but it makes me just a little happy to see him drowning in it. After the satisfaction settles comes the worry. I knew I'd have to give her up, but a quick trial means my time with her is even shorter.

Fucking hell, why'd she have to tell me something like that?

My hands dig into my damp hair as I walk the hallways of the facility. Stark stole Percy away claiming a surprise and she let me go so I could take a shower. Haven't taken one since finding her, but the hot water for once did nothing to cleanse my mind. Now, I have no clue where she is and it pisses me off that it bothers me as much as it does. Soon, I won't know where she is at all. She'll be with an actual family with an actual mom and an...appropriate dad. I pass the gathering room for the third time and come to a screeching halt when I hear a scream that could only belong to her. I storm in, metal arm flexing with concern, then freeze.

She's being thrown up into the air, screaming a happy laugh, then being caught by thin arms. I sigh in relief and catch Steve's blue eyes and smug face. God, he's got to stop with that look or I'm going to put superglue in his shoes again. My eyes go back to Percy and I smile softly at her bright smile. Apparently, Stark's surprise was his own surrogate son. Eyes fall on me and I prepare myself.

"Oh, hey Mr. Barnes, sir. Uh, nice to see you again." Peter Parker greets me and I sigh as he holds Percy to him.

"Bucky, kid. Just Bucky." His face shines, just like it always does when I tell him he can call me by my name. He nods.

"Right, right."

"Your place as favorite might be challenged, Barnes." Tony teases, looking fondly at the two kids. I roll my eyes and sit on the couch beside Steve, purposefully jostling him and Tony on the other side.

"Yours too, Stark." I counter, looking at the way Peter's grinning at the little girl in his arms.

"I can like more than one person." Percy defends herself and pats Peter's chest. "Peter is nice." She says and Peter tickles her ribs in return, filling the room with peals of laughter. Everyone can't resist smiling at the sound. "Down! Down, down, down!" She insists and Peter plops her onto her feet. Grinning happily, she hurries over to me and climbs into my lap. I shoot a victorious glance to Tony who chuckles as I wrap my arms around Percy. Peter awkwardly stands in front of us before Tony grabs the edge of his shirt and tugs him onto the couch between him and the arm.

"Pete's staying for dinner and the night 'cause May's out of town, so no squashing bugs in his presence." Tony teases and fluffs Peter's hair as he blushes slightly.

"Whose turn is it tonight anyways?" Natasha asks from her spot in the recliner, smirking when Percy stands up and decides to walk on Steve and I's thighs.

"Tony." Steve answers shortly, preoccupied with making sure Percy doesn't fall. Tony lets his arm fall around Peter's shoulders and shakes him playfully.

"Whatcha say kid, make dinner with me?" He asks and stands. Peter pops up like a daisy.

"Sure, Mr. Stark. Of course. Uh, I'm just, I'm not a great cook." He tells him and trails after Tony into the kitchen. We chuckle and I lean my head back on the couch, listening to their quiet conversations and Percy's little giggles.

*Percy's POV*

Since Bucky looks like he's falling asleep I settle down a bit and sit in Steve's lap instead, Bucky's left hand comfortably held in my lap.

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