Chapter Six-Decisions

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Chapter Six


*Bucky's POV*

Today we get a break from court and I'm grateful. Not only for the chance to sleep in, but just to keep holding onto Percy. I felt her creep into my lap at night and wrap the blanket around us. She's such a sweetheart it's frustrating all this is happening to her. Sooner rather than later though, she's up and bouncing around the room.

"Hey, go brush your teeth and shower, alright? I'll pick out your stuff." I catch her as she jumps off the bed and shoo her towards the bathroom.

"Aw, but-"

"No, no, no. Go. I'll be waiting here for you." She huffs and walks into the bathroom. The shower sounds and I grab her some jeans and a short-sleeved shirt with blue flowers on it to change into afterward. After setting those on the bathroom counter I sit on the bed, looking up when the door opens. "Stark." I greet him. "She's in the shower. What's going on?"

He slips inside and looks me up and down. "Must say this is as well rested as I've ever seen you Robocop. Nothing's wrong. Just have some tests lined up and wanted to see if she was up for it." He leans back against the door and smirks. "You've become quite the daddy." My eyes narrow and I stand.

"You led the charge with your teenager in there. I'm just following suit. Pun intended." I shoot back and his smirk grows. "Breakfast first. Then we'll see." I allow and look up to find Percy smiling at us with damp hair.

"Good choice on the flowers, Bucky." She compliments and I ignore Tony's chortle.

"Thanks, kid. Time for breakfast, huh?" I scoop her up before Tony can and duck out the door.

"Leftover pancakes?" She suggests and Tony brightens by our side.

"You got it. I'll heat em up for you. Listen, afterwards, I've got a couple of tests I'd like to do. Would that be alright?" I shoot him a look, but he just smiles. "Your bodyguard can come too, of course." He posits before Percy can insist on it. She nods.

"That sounds okay." Percy allows and I press a quick kiss to her hair as we walk into the gathering room. "Peter!" She exclaims as soon as she sees him and I let her down to run over to him. Once she's firmly in his hands, I take a moment to pour myself a much-needed cup of coffee. When I hear Steve walking down the hall, I pour him a cup of orange juice too. I hold it to the open door as he steps through it and smirk when he looks surprised.

"Lived with you for long enough to know your morning routine." I shake my head as he takes the glass.

"And I know you're usually comatose in the morning. Someone wake you?" We both look over at Percy and Peter. Peter on the ceiling and Percy dangling from his arms. Steve smirks at the sudden concern on my face. "She's fine. Seems last night didn't slow her down a bit."

My head shakes as I take a gulp of coffee. "Nope. Took it like a champ." He nods as Stark joins our half circle staring at the giggling little girl.

"Agreed to some tests after breakfast." Beeping sounds and Percy's eyes snap over to us in excitement. "Which is now ready. Come on, Perce. You too, Pete." Tony beckons. Both kids walk over and sit at the stools while Tony puts the plate of pancakes in front of them with two empty plates.

"Thank you," Percy says first and Peter is quick to follow, putting a smile on all the adult's faces. Worry eats at me as I watch the little girl eat. She's so careful not to spill or make a mess and every movement is endearing. Kills me that she's got to go through all this bullshit.

"She's fine, Buck. We'll figure it out." His hand smooths over my shoulders and pats reassuringly. I nod once and a little tension leaves me.

"Bucky, you have to eat too." My lips lift as she rolls up a pancake and offers it to me, little face set sternly. I take it and dip it in her syrup, then eat as she watches with a satisfied smile. After that, she hops down and puts her stuff away, then walks back over to me and leans against my leg. A soft smile on my face, I scoop her up in my arms.

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