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(So, this took me forever, I am soooo sorry.)

*Five Years after the Events of 'Bruised'*

"Cleared of all charges. The defendant is given full custody and granted his restraining order against the Avengers." The gavel smashes into the desk and I flinch with the noise. I look to my left where my family should be sitting, but the pew holding them is suddenly floating away as the courthouse floor melts into a mahogany river. My eyes widen when they meet Bucky's and I move to jump after them only for a hand to grab my hair and tug me backward into strong arms. I kick and struggle but can't open my mouth to cry out. Not even to scream.

"I've got you now. Monster." Paul's voice whispers in my ear and his hands release me only to frame my head and twist to the side.

I wake up and the sharp crack of my neck echoes in my ears while my eyes land on the fan slowly spinning on the ceiling. Soft gasps leave my lips as I sit up and wipe sweat from my neck and feel my thin tank-top sticking to my back. Tears leak down my cheeks before I can help it and I rub them away along with the sleep from my eyes. I flinch when my door opens only to reveal a softly rumpled Bucky Barnes.

"Baby doll?" He questions as his eyes look me over concernedly. I wipe leftover tears off my cheeks as he comes in and stands in front of me. I turn so my feet are hanging off the bed and wrap my arms around his waist to let his soft T dry my tears while his metallic arm runs over my back. "What was it this time?" He questions softly as his other hand smooths over my wild head of curls.

"We've been going over court cases in class." He breathes a heavy sigh in realization. "Today was the end of the course and I wasn't expecting it to hit home like it did. Besides, family court is supposed to be easy-"

"Hey, hey." He pulls back so we can see one another and wipes his thumb across my cheek. "You have a bit more on your shoulders, kid," Bucky assures me and I nod, understanding this but not taking it any easier on myself. His brows furrow a bit in thought and I immediately know what he's thinking. "Maybe-"

"I'm not being homeschooled. I love you, and Tony, and the team, but I need to actually talk to other people. I'll get over it." Bucky sighs again but smiles a little at me.

"Alright. Are you sure you still want-"

"To go to Tony's party? You're the one who doesn't want to go." I poke his chest and he smirks. "It's all I've been looking forward to the last couple of weeks. Other than Steve's lasagna last night." A soft rumble of laughter leaves his chest and calm settles over me. As long as I have Bucky and he's happy, things will be alright.

"Yeah well, what you didn't see were the two he threw out before that one." My eyes widen at the revelation and I laugh quietly at the image of him chucking them out the window.

"Hey, you said you wouldn't say anything." Steve objects from the door and steps in when I look at him. Light from the kitchen makes him glow slightly orange and he has a soft edge to his eyes. "Heard voices. Everything alright?" I nod and take Bucky's left hand in mine for assurance.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad night." He nods and reaches over to my dresser, grabbing a new tank and tossing it onto the bed next to me.

"Well, if you're up for good I'll make breakfast. Pancakes." My lips lift at the soft suggestion, but my head shakes.

"Think I'm going to try and grab another hour or two of sleep." Steve nods his approval and heads out to the kitchen. I look back up at Bucky and he presses a firm kiss to my forehead.

"Need anything else, kid?" I press my lips together and glance at the barely lightening sky outside.

"Open the window? A fresh breeze would be nice right now." Immediately, Bucky nods and steps away, opening the noisy thing with ease. I take a deep breath of the crisp air, then gift Bucky a soft smile. "Thanks." He leans over and kisses my head again.

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