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First love,

First kiss,

First crush,

First relationship,

Who can forget?

Whether the end results were good or bad, we can never forget our firsts.

Derek Hale was no exception: he will always remember Paige Krasikeva.

There just something about her that he was drawn to.

Was it her eyes?

Her smile?

Her personality?

Or maybe, all of the above.


"They were all there: Ennis, Kali, Emmett, Deucalion. Each of their own packs, before they had killed them all. Before they decided to form their own All-star team."

Allison and Scott sat, listening to the story the old hunter told. "Emmett with his own pack? I-I thought he and Kali we're brother and sisters."

She recalled them looking very similar. From the dark skin, to their hair. And the dark chocolate eyes they both seem to share.

If she didn't know any better, they could be mistaken for twins. But with the situation of Aiden and Ethan, they were siblings but not twins.

"They are, but it didn't mean they can't have their own packs. Emmett being the oldest always watched his younger sister. He was loyal to a fault, his greatest strength and his greatest weakness."

He continues with the story and it began with the powerful Alpha: Talia Hale.


After Ennis used his claws to make the symbol.

A symbol showing a beginning of a war.

A symbol that means nothing good comes from it.

A symbol of revenge.

"Our mark for Vendetta." Peter Hale spoke as he drew the symbol on the window. Remembering that night, like it was yesterday.

The way his older sister and Deucalion watched Emmett storm away from the distillery. Even from the distance he knows trouble was coming.

"You guys take this revenge thing to,like, a whole new level, don't you?" Stiles spoke as he heard the story.

Peter explained that losing a pack member wasn't like losing family but losing a limb.

Then it went to how Derek saw an opportunity.


"This going to be my brothers or sisters." Paige spoke as she held out a  a dog tag. She heard the news about her mom being pregnant (she was only three weeks) she was excited.

Of course, she didn't wait to tell Derek the news. "What's the importance of this?" He asked as he ran his fingers over the tag.

"My father's. He is on tour and he's coming back next month." Paige spoke proudly.

Derek smiles as he learned more about her past. He was falling for this girl and he didn't want to lose her.

The Serpent 🐍 S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now