Author's Note

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When I first started writing this book it was primarily with the goal of writing a compelling story, perhaps with something woven inside of it for anyone searching for greater depths. Part way through writing this a childhood friend ended her life. The devastation of someone so young, so bright, with so much promise dying by their own hand is unimaginable. I was and still am shaken to the core by this and I know that those who knew her will never be the same again.

John Green, the author of The Fault in Our Stars, once said in his Crash Course video on Sylvia Plath that,

"[suicide] is a permanent response to a temporary problem... and a solution to nothing."

This is a phrase that has stuck with me as one of those great truths in life. No one can know what another's suffering feels like and no one can be the one thing that saves another human being from the darkness that seems to be all consuming. But tomorrow the sun will rise and with it comes the chance to start again. There is always a way through the woods, even if it seems impossible to see through the trees. If anyone reading this book is experiencing depression or contemplating suicide, I urge you to please get help.

UK Samaritans hotline open 24/7: 116 123

US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline open 24/7: 1-800-273-8255

This story is very personal to me and I ask that you would please respect my rights and refrain from copying it on this or any other medium. Thank you, A. L. Sestier.

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His Dark WordsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz