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Chapter one:

Depression: (n.) feeling of severe despondency and dejection.

Some turn to drugs.

Others turn to alcohol.

My escape is a little different.

I turn to music.

For me, there's nothing more comforting than plugging into a song and turning up the volume little by little. Before you know it, the entire world is tuned out and all that's left is me and my song.

Music is exactly what I was using to tune out the world.

With music, I have the ability to tune out responsibility, tune out life, tune out--

"At 10 AM, just two hours ago, the artist known as DVNNY was found--"

death. I could tune out death.

"Turn off the news Elle, don't sentence yourself to pain. Just let him go," said Eric, turning off the television.

Let him go. Was that even possible?

I didn't respond, didn't move from where I was; in that moment, I was trapped in grief. It was inescapable. Eric, my best friend, was visibly concerned at my silence.But I couldn't ease his concern, I couldn't bring myself to speak, to act, to live. My lifeline was gone, my brother, my other half.

I was just a girl lost in a world of harmony. I was lost in these 5,373 minutes, exactly 1,033 songs.

1,033 songs.

1,033 chances to escape.

But I could no longer breath, I was suffocating in grief. I could no longer think, I was drowning of depression. And so I let myself sleep, sleep away the pain, sleep away the world. 5,373 minutes, 1033 songs.

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