
285 47 18



||January 29, 2013-April 31, 2019||

Book 1.1



#10 in personalexperience

#1 in escapereality



Nothing breaks people more than loss.

Nothing broke Elle more than losing her brother.

But what can heal someone so broken on the inside?



eyes of onyx




dark themes

sexual themes








For those of you that noticed the date above, no it was not a typo. This is indeed a 6 year work. But it was rewritten in the span of a month or two. I began this book after losing a significant figure in my life. I honestly didn't know how to cope with it. I tried everything, but everyone seemed to be moving on without me. It felt as if time stopped for me but doubled in speed for everyone else. I started this as a coping mechanism, a piece that I thought I would let rot in the depths of my google drive. I recently stumbled upon the works of Noelle and Eleanor, whom encouraged me to continue writing. Recently, I lost another significant person in my life which led me back to this piece.

After losing that fist significant person, some part of me continuously considered how I would deal with losing someone important again and I think this short story is my "depression theory" of sorts. I've lost... a lot. More than I can handle sometimes. But it's possible to bounce back and that's the message I hope to send.

So without further ado,
To Escape Time.

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