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Chapter 5:

Heartbreak: (n.) overwhelming distress.

I have to go to therapy again today. I once again, have to face the worn out yellow walls, the sickly sweet way my therapist smiles at me, and the way everyone there watches my every move with a predator like precision.

To them, I'm the girl with the dead brother.

To them, I'm the girl with the rich parents.

To them, I'm nothing more than the girl that couldn't seem to hold herself together.

And perhaps people are right when they say life is short and that you only live once, but I don't think anyone who said that anticipated that it would apply to Danny so literally.

The rest of the day goes on; but I feel no better. In fact, I feel nothing. I want to go back to the park. Some part of me wants to meet him again. The mysterious boy at the park.

But thinking about him makes me feel, makes my heart beat just a little faster, so I simply plug in my music and let myself forget. Music allows me to escape time. And so I escape, I escape from reality, from their staring eyes, from my unwanted thoughts. Heartbreak comes in more than one form but I never imagined losing him could break me so permanently.

985 minutes left. 189 songs.

I enter the kitchen for food but something catches my eye. And like that, I do something I never would have done a year ago. I do something an appliance so simple was not meant to do.
I pull out the small knife; the very one my brother would use to cut apples. The one he never let anyone use for anything else.

Without another second of hesitation, I run the knife down my forearm. And just like that, reality hit me. This was no longer just about me, this was now life or death. And somehow, I just know I couldn't let others down at this very moment. But I can't take back what's done. I can't take back the time I tried to escape. I don't have enough time.
980 minutes.

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