Third is for Timing

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Humming an old tune, Erebus walked into the Church of Night for weekly black mass. That wasn't what she was there for, though. She had far better things to do than listen to some product of incest shout Satan's teachings to the crowd.

"I didn't strike you as one to attend Church," Ambrose said as he took a seat next to the now silent Erebus as she blew a bubble before popping it, staring at the empty pew ahead of her.

"I didn't strike you as one to constantly stick your snout in others' business, yet here we are," Erebus replied, finally looking at Ambrose, clearly annoyed with the boy.

He only chuckled nervously in reply, not so subtlety putting his arm around Erebus' shoulder, "So how long do you plan on staying?"

"Long enough to rise," Erebus replied shortly.

"And what do you mean by that?" Ambrose's eyebrow rose.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out when my time has come," Erebus replied as she blew another bubble with her gum. "But until then, you're stuck with my father."

The puzzle pieces that scattered in Ambrose's mind suddenly seemed to click together. Erebus plans on taking the throne from her father. Though, of course he wouldn't tell. Having a wife that's the owner of hell? That's even better than he originally thought.

"I hope it's long enough for you to attend next year's Lupercalia," Ambrose admitted with a wide smile he couldn't help.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Erebus laughed. "And Prudence. Though, you should end things with Luke. He's only cast under a spell."

"What do you mean?"

"Hilda put something in his drink to make him fall in love with you."

"She did not," Ambrose whispered. "She's not that-"

"She wanted to help you," Erebus replied. "So I wouldn't be harsh on her if you plan on confronting her about it. She's easily broken, after all."

Ambrose seemed to think for a moment, finally putting his arm in his lap, playing with his rings before asking, "Do you know who my soul mate is?"

"Soul mates aren't real, Ambrose," Erebus said in return as she picked at her already perfectly manicured nails. "They're false hope, like that false god."

Ambrose nodded, "Well do you see anyone in my future who really loves me?"

"I know of one," Erebus replied coldly once she saw, making it her new goal to never let herself be dating that whore of a man she saw in her vision.

"Do you know her name? I mean, you should, right?" Ambrose asked impatiently.

"I do, but I won't tell. I think you should play with Prudence for a bit before you find her, though. Most of her time will be spent in hell," Erebus almost snarled.

"Oh," Ambrose whispered, clueless his true love is actually sitting next to him, though he does want her to be his.

"Welcome to the weekly Black Mass!" Faustus roared once he made his way up to the alter. "We've much news about the coven!"

The pews clapped but kept it respectful, refraining their cheers of happiness and such. Sabrina sat in a nearby pew as well. Poor thing, being kicked of the coven. Erebus hid her smirk as Faustus began to speak of Sabrina.

"Sadly enough, one is forced to leave our coven today, but is transferring to a new one in Riverdale. Sabrina Spellman, please stand," Faustus stated, causing gasps to erupt from her friends and family. "Today is the last day in this coven, for the Dark Lord has decided to put you with a more. . .prepared coven for your sake. After Black Mass is over, say your goodbyes and get your bags ready to leave."

Erebus was satisfied with Faustus and decided to leave the Church, not bothering to actually stay for Black Mass. After all, she knows everything that's taught. She knows everything in general. Though, she is still waiting for the right time to overthrow the Dark Lord. He and this coven needs to be weakened, first. Starting with cutting Sabrina out of the picture.

And step one has already been completed.


"You're the reason why Sabrina left, aren't you?" Ambrose confronted Erebus the next day at the Academy.

"I may have helped," Erebus couldn't help but admit. "Got a problem with it?"

"Not really," Ambrose admitted as well. "I know Father Blackwood could never pull something like that, though."

"Definitely not alone," Erebus agreed as she scanned a familiar book she had learned to appreciate. "Will this become a daily thing? Because if so, I might need to cast a tongue twister spell."

"What do you mean?" Ambrose asked, taking a seat next to Erebus cautiously.

He didn't want to upset her anymore than what she seemed.

"I mean, that if you keep coming to me to ask annoying questions you probably know the answer to," Erebus paused, slamming her book shut before facing Ambrose. "I'll have to stitch your mouth shut."

Ambrose cleared his throat before getting up and going to the door to leave before pausing to turn to Erebus, "Fair enough."

"It's not being fair," Erebus replied before Ambrose left. "Its just a promise."

He tried to be cool about the situation, but Erebus deflated his ego before it had time to inflate the slightest bit.

And even so Ambrose knew this cold attitude was a normal thing for Erebus, he couldn't help but assume she was actually annoyed by him. And she knew him well, so what had he done to annoy her?

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