Tenth is for Tender Loving Care

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"You know," Lilith started once Ambrose left. "You should use him to your advantage. Imagine, feeding you exotic fruit whilst you relax. I'd kill for a life like that. Simple, too."

"Maybe you're right, it's easy," Erebus replied. "But I'm busy, especially now that I'm crowned. And always will be. There's no time fantasies of such, much less it actually happening."

"That's why you need him," Lilith chuckled. "So he can show you those things. So you can relax."

"I don't want or need to relax, Lilith," Erebus sighed. "I've a coven to tend to. The coven is what is most important to me and always will be. I wouldn't miss a thing for the world. I may want to keep some practices, but that doesn't mean I am to be unfair and rotten. I just want to do my job correctly in hopes of every witch and warlock having a dazzling life."

Lilith placed her nail filer down and sat up properly on her own desk that Erebus magicked up for her, "You really so care, don't you? You really are fit to be Queen."

Erebus rolled her eyes in reply, "Well, I've a black mass to attend to. Enjoy yourself, if you plan on fulfilling fantasies you dream of."


Later, Ambrose found Erebus in the Academy's library, reading old folk lore.

"Shouldn't you have duties, as the Empress of Hell, to be attending to?" Ambrose asked with a crooked smirk, sitting across from Erebus.

"I don't know if you've noticed or not, but with only roughly a handful of people in my coven left - well, there's not much to attend to. Especially in this time of year, along with Lilith doing all the real work in hell," Erebus snapped with a roll of her eyes. "And shouldn't you be greeting the Empress of Hell with respect? Perhaps a good bow?"

Ambrose cleared his throat before tightening his tie that was wrapped around his collar, "My apologies. It just seemed as if we were close enough-"

"Close enough? Funny. But either way, you should always respect those higher of you. Even if they tell you otherwise," Erebus said to Ambrose. "Because one day they just might snap."

Ambrose sighed, "Do you really hate me that much?"

"Whatever do you mean? I don't hate anyone that's apart of the coven," Erebus stated, shocked at Ambrose's outburst.

"Really? It sure seems like it," Ambrose practically growled. "I don't understand your behavior! You're like - bipolar! One minute you're calm and relaxed and the other you want nothing to do with me! What is it that I'm doing wrong?!"

Erebus was at lost for words for a moment.

She didn't know being confronted about actions and ways she shouldn't care about would. . .would hurt so much. 

She then realized that she went off into wonderland for a moment and cleared her throat, "I don't know if you know this or not, but I prefer to not get to know anyone. Not to get close. It's dangerous - letting someone in. But, name me one person I've gotten close to here, and maybe - just maybe, I'll apologize for it and try to get closer to you. If that's what you really want, of course," Erebus sighed, slamming her book shut.

Ambrose stood silent, for Erebus had not gotten close to anyone in the coven, or Greendale for that matter, that he knew of.

Then he thought of something.

"Why? I mean, now that you're some ruler of Hell it is a bit understandable, but when you weren't - why?" Ambrose yelled, banging his fist on the table. "I gladly opened up to you - even kept quiet about what you've told me on things you've done and you've shut me out in return? Why?!"

Erebus' eyes flashed from her normal yellow to a dark red color, "I apologize if I seemed like I actually wanted someone to open up to, but I don't. And I don't plan on changing that. So, I'm sorry if you thought that, but I personally don't and will never. I've much better things to do then get close to some warlock who sheds the same color blood as mortals. And you really didn't have to do all those things, but you decided you wanted to. Not me."

"- In conclusion of this conversation, we are not friends nor will ever be, so keep your distance and show some fucking respect or you'll receive a worse fate than my father did!" Erebus growled, sending Ambrose flying back at the bookshelf with so much as a glare, before walking off.

"Oh," Erebus halted by the doors of the library. "I do hope to see you at Communion tomorrow. Every person in the coven is required to show up, though, so I'm sure you'll attend. Much is to be discussed."

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